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The Daily Dispatch: December 25, 1861., [Electronic resource] 18 0 Browse Search
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Christmas. --In the midst of the dark storm of war, the Star of Bethlehem rises with its serene and unquenchable lustre, and gilds the edges of the clouds with whose coming we greet with garlands of joy and anthems of thanksgiving. Christmas has always been an honored festival among the descendants of the Cavaliers. nd New Year's Day, which has been imported from Holland, have thrown good old Christmas into the shade. With the exception of Catholics and Episcopalians, whose ritual provides for the celebration of both Thanksgiving and Christmas, giving the latter the prominence which is its due, the North stands alone among Christian nationfestival of the Christian year. In our own sunny land, the old-fashioned English Christmas still retains its ancient supremacy, and even the intervention of such in, in this respect at least, the entire period of the war has been a continual Christmas, the whole population, with the exception of avaricious speculators, having m
arner, were sent down with the usual warning. Two vagrant white women, named Margaret Phelan and Amanda Furguson, who were with the interesting party, were committed to jail. The latter's beauty, if she ever had any, was completely spoiled by bruises and scratches, which she accounted for by saying that she got drunk and fell over a chair. Sad commentary on human depravity. Dick, a venerable darkey in uniform, was arrested for carrying a huge bowie-knife. He was on his return home to Danville from a campaign against the Yankees, and the Mayor discharged him after confiscating the weapon. Oliver, a negro who felt Christmas all over him, stole a bottle of brandy, a canteen of rum, and a ham of bacon from his master, Sampson Jones, but his roguery was detected, and he paid the penalty of his guilt. Susan, slave of Miss D. Woodson, arrested some days ago for attempting to get up a conflagration on Mrs. E. Gentry's premises, was on yesterday sentenced to twenty lashes.
Metropolitan Hall. --This agreeable place of resort is now open to the public, and Wells and his company promise to all their friends the means of spending a merry Christmas night. In the way of vocal and instrumental music, burlesque, and dancing, they have a rich and racy budget, sufficient to make a man forget for a while the "solemncholy" realities of life. The Misses Partington will contribute their quota to the evening's enjoyment.
Christmas presents. --Despite the blockade, our readers will be enabled to procure their usual supplies of Confections, Cakes, and Jellies, for the Christmas holidays, at Antony's fashionable and popular saloon, on Main street. All who need supplies, will not fall to give him a call before purchasing. de 24--2t