Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 25, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Christmas or search for Christmas in all documents.

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To-day being Christmas, no paper will be issued from this office to-morrow.
ify against him, and he was released with the usual admonition. Smith left the court-room with such an erect and soldier-like mein as to cause a hearty laugh among the spectators. Frank Smith, another boy of about the same age, with a dirty face and closely-cropped hair, was also charged with having been drunk and found lying in a door between 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning. The Mayor remarked that he was a very small boy to be guilty of such an offence, but pleading the approach of Christmas as an excuse, he was discharged with some good advice. Robert W. Starke, who was up on Friday for drunkenness, again made his appearance on a similar charge. The Mayor required him to give security to keep the peace for twelve months. Frances Loving, who appeared on Friday under the name of Frances Smith, was again up for drunkenness. Policeman Epps testified that he found her lying in a perfectly helpless condition upon the street, with a bottle of whisky by her side. She sta
Christmas present for General Lee. --The beautiful and elegant set of furniture, twenty one pieces in all, presented to General Lee by the noble daughters of the Monumental City, passed through this city yesterday, and was shipped by canal for Lexington. The present was brought on free, the agents of the steamboat line refusing to charge freight, in compliment to Virginia's former chieftain. We understand that the draymen who hauled the furniture through the city quarreled for that privilege. We believe that freight is charged upon it from this city to Lexington. Such testimonials to this noble son of Virginia cannot but be gratifying to Virginians. "All honor to his name!"
Christmas. It would seem a remorseless piece of irony to extend to our people the usual greeting of "A Merry Christmas." In the midst of a land desolated by the iron foot-prints of war, with half a million of their best and bravest sleeping inChristmas." In the midst of a land desolated by the iron foot-prints of war, with half a million of their best and bravest sleeping in bloody graves, with a funeral pall hanging in every house where the Christmas garlands once were wreathed, with universal poverty in the place of universal plenty, and dark and threatening clouds still brooding over their future, it seems like the utterance of heartless sarcasm to exclaim, "A Merry Christmas." Yet, it was in the moral midnight of the world that the Christmas star first rose. It was upon an altar whose prestige had departed, that its mild lustre first fell, illuminating odern mode of celebrating this great Christian Anniversary may be incongruous and inconsistent in times like these; but Christmas, in its true method of observance, is the very festival for periods of darkness and tribulation. It brings its gold an
"I knew it, when they put you into such a bad bedroom. They are keeping all the good rooms for the people who are coming next week. The house will be full for Christmas. It won't do,'" she added, meditatively. "What won't do?" I said. "Your not having a shilling in your pocket. They'll sneer at you for it, and the sehildren's stockings, looking longingly out of the window, and growing pale for want of fresh air. Still never rebelling, never complaining. Meantime the stir of Christmas preparation was agitating all the household, and the children were full of rapture at the prospect of Lady Thornton's Christmas party. There was great excitemend very red at first, and I thought she was going to burst out crying, and then she turned pale, and looked frightened. Nurse, to whom I had slipped a munificent Christmas box, immediately fell into raptures over the pretty dress. "Come, Teecie," I said, "make haste !" And trembling between dread and delight, Teecie suffered h