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Monday. Clay Rawlings and William Slatery, charged with robbing Robert Rowzie of one thousand eight hundred dollars in the First Market. Rawlings was further charged with stealing sixty-two dollars from Charles Hoffman. The youths were set back for further consideration. Robert Acree, charged with violating a market ordinance by purchasing a lot of slaughtered beef and two muttons in the city and offering them for sale in the First Market, was fined fifty dollars. John C. Knauff was fined in the same amount for buying slaughtered beef in the Fist Market and offering the same for sale. Clara, slave of Levi Bendix, charged with stealing gas coal from the city, was ordered to be whipped. Ned and Robert, negro recruits, were charged with being runaways. They proved their status and were sent to the Provost-Marshal to be returned to their company. William Batkins, charged with being drunk and disorderly in the street and insulting a lady, was discharged.