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D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 29 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 11 3 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Walter Clark or search for Walter Clark in all documents.

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rits. This necessity for haste especially prevented the collection of much-needed data about the last twelve months of the war. During those months the Confederate officers wrote very few official reports. The only way, therefore, to get reasonably full information concerning the events of that period is by correspondence with the survivors. This was attempted, but the time was too short for satisfactory results. The author regrets exceedingly that many gallant deeds and minor actions are shut out by space limitation. He can only hope that the publication of this imperfect sketch may incite other pens to more elaborate works. As a subsequent edition of this work may be published, the author asks for the correction of any errors unwittingly made. He renders hearty thanks to Judge A. C. Avery for the use of some material that he had collected; to Judge Walter Clark for books, and to Col. T. S. Kenan and Judge Walter Montgomery and others for valuable counsel and sympathy.
xed with indignation at the condition of affairs. The State's troops, especially her best-armed and best-trained regiments, were nearly all in Virginia, and all her coast defenses were, like Hatteras, poorly armed and insufficiently manned. Governor Clark, in a letter to the secretary of war, thus pictures affairs in his State: We feel very defenseless here without arms . . . We see just over our lines in Virginia, near Suffolk, two or three North Carolina regiments, well armed and well drrawn from Virginia, but I earnestly trust that if soldiers cannot be spared, I may at least hope that requisitions for arms and powder may be speedily and favorably attended to. But this was 1861, and military stores were not obtainable. Governor Clark and his people, however, were not of a race to succumb to difficulties without a desperate struggle, and they went to work with vigor to do all that their circumstances would allow. At the request of the governor, Gen. D. H. Hill was sent fr
pbell; the Thirty-fifth, Colonel Sinclair, and a battalion of militia under Colonel Clark. Across the railroad, for a mile and a half, the only forces were the Twens easily repelled for some hours. But on the right, General Reno with Lieutenant-Colonel Clark, of the Twenty-first Massachusetts, found the break at the brickyard an turned to the right on the Confederate militia posted there under another Colonel Clark. The militia, raising the cry that they were flanked, retreated in confusiade a determined stand. In speaking of the bravery of these two regiments, Colonel Clark, of the Massachusetts regiment, says in his official report: They were the Brem's battery, General Hawkins again makes an error when he says: Lieutenant-Colonel Clark. . . came upon a light battery of sixteen pieces. Colonel Clark in hiColonel Clark in his report says five pieces. There were, however, only four; the two others of Brem's 6-gun battery were on the right, as already mentioned. but was in turn driven ba
many of the subalterns Among them were Lieut. Thomas Snow, of Halifax, who was killed far in advance of his company, cheering on his men; and Lieutenants Boswell, Clark and Hays. Four hundred and fifteen men of this regiment answered to morning roll-call on that day; before night, the blood of 290 fed the soil of that bleak hile began to devise means to increase his army. Hence his attention was at once directed to the fifteen North Carolina regiments already mentioned as raised by Governor Clark for the defense of his own State against the Federal army at New Bern, and then in camp in North Carolina, but not yet armed. Major Gordon, who is thoroughlyg's schoolhouse. The regiments taking most part in these affairs were the Twenty-fifth, Colonel Rutledge; the Forty-ninth, Colonel Ramseur; the Twenty-fourth, Colonel Clark; the Thirty-fifth, Colonel Ransom, and the Twenty-sixth, Col. Z. B. Vance. At the schoolhouse battle, the Twenty-fifth was under fire for several hours and r
not less than 2,000 men. Just as Hill drew off his shattered brigades, Magruder ordered in his forces on Hill's right. The brigades of Armistead, Wright, Mahone, G. T. Anderson, Cobb, Kershaw, Semmes, Ransom, Barksdale and Lawton threw themselves heavily, not all at once, but in succession, against their courageous and impregnably posted foes. Cobb's command included the Fifteenth North Carolina under Colonel Dowd. Ransom's brigade was solely a North Carolina oneā€”the Twenty-fourth, Colonel Clark; the Twenty-fifth, Colonel Hill; the Twenty-sixth, Colonel Vance; the Thirty-fifth, Colonel Ransom; the Forty-ninth, Colonel Ramseur. General Hill says of General Magruder's assault: I never saw anything more grandly heroic than the advance after sunset of the nine brigades under Magruder's orders. Unfortunately, they did not move together and were beaten in detail. As each brigade emerged from the woods, from fifty to one hundred guns opened upon it, tearing great gaps in its rank
during this time. Major Gordon, in his article on the Organization of the North Carolina Troops, states: When the legislature, in 1861, directed General Martin to furnish clothing for the North Carolina troops, there were then only about thirty regiments in service. In less than a year that number was more than doubled, and it became very plain to General Martin that the .resources of the State were not adequate to the demands of the army. In August, 1862, he laid the matter before Governor Clark, and asked permission to buy supplies abroad, also a ship to transport them. The governor's term of service being near an end, he declined to give any order, .and requested that the matter lie over till Governor Vance was inaugurated. Soon after Governor Vance's inauguration, General Martin brought the matter to his attention. The governor took it under advisement for a few days. Soon his attention was called to the subject again, and he requested General Martin to come to the execut
n, Namozine Church, and other notable engagements, which are preserved to-day among the most interesting and valuable historical data of the war; and again he made valuable contributions to The War Between the States, published by John A. Sloane. He was ever interested in history, and zealous of the fame of North Carolina. He wrote sketches of The Dutch Side, a history of the Battle of Ramseur's Mill, A History of the North Carolina Railroad, etc. On November 19, 1894, came a plea from Judge Clark for a history of the Ninth regiment, State troops (First North Carolina cavalry), saying, You are very busy, and that is one reason you are selected. Only busy men have the energy and talent to do this work. Your record as a soldier satisfies me that you will not decline the post of duty. Already confined to bed, he called for books and papers, and with the zeal and haste of one impressed with the importance of the work and the shortness of time, he put on the finishing touches not man