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William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 1: early recollections of California. 1846-1848. (search)
we found about three hundred of them there at work. Sam Brannan was on hand as the high-priest, collecting the tithes. Clark, of Clark's Point, one of the elders, was there also, and nearly all the Mormons who had come out in the Brooklyn, or who was found in the smaller gulches round about, but the gold in the river-bed was uniformly scale-gold. I remember that Mr. Clark was in camp, talking to Colonel Mason about matters and things generally, when he inquired, Governor, what business has Sam Brannan to collect the tithes here? Clark admitted that Brannan was the head of the Mormon church in California, and he was simply questioning as to Brannan's right, as high-priest, to compel the Mormons to pay him the regular tithes. Colonel Mason answered, Brannan has a perfect right to collect the tax, if you Mormons are fools enough to pay it. Then, said Clark, I for one won't pay it any longer. Colonel Mason added: This is public land, and the gold is the property of the United S
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 17 (search)
pt from the Tri-Monthly Return of the Department and Army of the Tennessee--(Continued.) commands.absent.present and absent.Aggregate Last Return.present for duty equipped.horses.guns.  Without Authority.Infantry.Cavalry.Artillery.  Commissioned Officers.Enlisted Men.Commissioned Officers.Enlisted Men.Aggregate.Commissioned Officers.Enlisted Men.Commissioned Officers.Enlisted Men.Commissioned Officers.Enlisted Men.Serviceable.Unserviceable.Number.  Department Staff  5 55         Colonel W. T. Clark. Fifteenth Army Corps192621,68930,35432,04331,52268911,05327350311,1651,08624357Major-General J. A. Logan. Sixteenth Army Corps239662,76857,05559,82358,24555411,1071523,681802,8405,7791,064173Major-General G. M. Dodge. Seventeenth Army Corps143952,06940,79042,85942,8594008,545912,137592,0052,9111,01658Major-General Frank P. Blair. Signal Detachment 74293326      31  Captain O. H. Howard. Total Force — Department and Army of the Tennessee561,6306,535128,228134,7
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 19 (search)
denoted a severe battle as in progress, which began seriously at 11 1/2 A. M., and ended substantially by 4 P. M. It was a fierce attack by the enemy on our extreme right flank, well posted and. partially covered. The most authentic account of the battle is given by General Logan, who commanded the Fifteenth Corps, in his official report to the Adjutant-General of the Army of the Tennessee, thus: headquarters Fifteenth Army Corps, before Atlanta, Georgia, July 29, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel William T. Clark, Assistant Adjutant-General, Army of the Tennessee, present. Colonel: I have the honor to report that, in pursuance of orders, I moved my command into position on the right of the Seventeenth Corps, which was the extreme right of the army in the field, during the night of the 27th and morning of the 28th; and, while advancing in line of battle to a more favorable position, we were met by the rebel infantry of Hardee's and Lee's corps, who made a determined and desperate att
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 25 (search)
127th Illinois Infantry 30th Ohio Infantry. 57th Ohio Infantry. Second Brigade. Colonel W. S. Jones. 37th Ohio Infantry. 47th Ohio Infantry. 53d Ohio Infantry. 54th Ohio Infantry. 83d Indiana Infantry. 111th Illinois Infantry. Third Brigade. Brigadier-General J. M. Oliver. 15th Michigan Infantry. 70th Ohio Infantry. 48th Illinois Infantry. 90th Illinois Infantry. 99th Indiana Infantry. Third division. Brevet Major-General J. E. Smith. First Brigade. Brigadier-General W. T. Clark. 18th Wisconsin Infantry. 59th Indiana Infantry. 63d Illinois Infantry. 48th Indiana Infantry. 93d Illinois Infantry. Second Brigade. Colonel J. E. Tourtellotte 56th Illinois Infantry. 10th Iowa Infantry. 80th Ohio Infantry. 17th Iowa Infantry. Battalion 26th Missouri Infantry. Battalion 10th Missouri Infantry. 4th Minnesota Infantry. Fourth division. Brevet Major-General John M. Corse. First Brigade. Brig.-Gen. E. W. Rice. 2d Iowa Infantry. 7th Iowa