Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 29, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William T. Clark or search for William T. Clark in all documents.

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.5723,270.77 Circulation222,105.00193,530.00172,480.00 Deposit34,060.1231,843.9530,883.58 Surplus Fund19,166.09 Profit and Loss14,914.04 34,080.15 Deduct Dividend four per cent, payable Jan. 7th12,000.00 Deduct Tax on Dividend800.00 Deduct Bonus on Capital 750.00 13,550.00 Balance to Surplus Fund.2,500.13 The undersigned, Directors of the Danville Bank, at Danville, Va., hereby certify that the within statement has been examined, and believed to be correct. W. T. Sutherlin, President. John R. Price. S. H. Holland. Abner Anderson. State of Virginia, Corporation of Danville, to wit: This day personally appeared before me, Wm. T. Clark, an Alderman for said corporation, John M. Johnston, Cashier of the Danville Bank, at Danville, Va., and made oath that the annexed statements, made out from the books of the Bank aforesaid, are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. Given under my hand this 4th day of January, 1861. will. T. Clark, Aid.