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o the enemy's fire, which had been directed exclusively at her. Lieutenant Commander Harmony proceeded on board the prize at half-past 5 A. M., taking possession and hoisting the American ensign. During the action two of the enemy's armed steamers were in sight up the river, crowded with people, apparently observing the progress of events, who steamed up the river when the result was attained. The behavior of officers and men was, as usual, every thing that could be desired. Acting Ensign Clarke, though quite sick, and under the doctor's charge, proceeded to his station at the first call, and remained there until the affair was decided. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, John Downes, Commander. To Captain John Rodgers, Senior Officer present, United States Steamer Weehawken. Report of Admiral Lee. Newport's news, June 22, 168. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy : Your telegram just received. Admiral Du Pont sent the Weehawken, Captain John Rod
valry; Patrick McMahon, company K, Fifth Kansas cavalry; Sergeant Joseph Travoli, company B, First Indiana cavalry; Corporal John L. Whellen, company G, First Indiana cavalry; Charles H. Steel, company G, First Indiana cavalry. Wounded — Thomas Archer, company A, Fifth Kansas cavalry; Abraham Manon, company A, Fifth Kansas cavalry; D. W. Boutwell, company A, Fifth Kansas cavalry; Corporal William Steele, company A, Fifth Kansas cavalry; George Cox, company B, Fifth Kansas cavalry; Sergeant James Clarke, company C, Fifth Kansas cavalry; Sergeant Arthur T. Perry, company C, Fifth Kansas cavalry; George W. Smith, company C, fifth Kansas cavalry; Lewis N. Gibson, company C, Fifth Kansas cavalry; Thomas S. Fuller, company C, Fifth Kansas cavalry; Sergeant William Duncan, company D, Fifth Kansas cavalry; F. M. White, company D, Fifth Kansas cavalry; Andrew Rogers, company E, Fifth Kansas cavalry; Matthew Schaus, company F, Fifth Kansas cavalry; James Grooms, company F, Fifth Kansas caval
is000607 1Richard Hauen person & estate is000608 1John Hauen person & estate is000503 3Tho: Brown persons & estate is000811 1Henry Smith person & estate is000401 1John ffrancis person & estate is000500 1John Smith person & estate is000400 1Isacc Wilson person & estate is000210 2Samll: & Nath: Sparahauke persons & estat001001 3Tho: Cheeny persons & estate is001007 1John Mackoon junr person & estate is000204 1James Phillips person000108 1Dauid Stowell person & estate is000210 1James Clarke person & estate is000210 1John Oldum person & estate is000501 1Samll: Oldum person & estate is000309 0John Mackoon senr estate is000109 1Joshua ffuller person & estate000305 1Ebenezer Ston person & estate is000301 0Justin Houldon estat is000403 1John Willington person & estate is000401 1Jonath: Sanders person & estate is000804 l.s.d. 1Will: Cutter person & estate is000603 1Mathew Abdee person & estate is000207 2John Addams persons & estate is001008 1Richard Cutter person &
Arrest of an alleged Highway Robber. --James Clarke, accused of being the principal in the robbery of Mr. Gardner, and who is the same man alluded to by Conley as the party who left at his house the proceeds of the robbery, was taken in custody last evening, about six o'clock, by watchmen Jones and Franklin; and lodged in the cage for examination before the Mayor this morning.
Fire. --The alarm of fire about 6 o'clock last evening, was caused by a burning chimney in Jefferson Ward, south Main street, between 18th and 19th, attached to Mrs. Clarke's house.
The Daily Dispatch: February 11, 1862., [Electronic resource], What the North Thiske of the war thus far. (search)
of a comparatively unimportant character were disposed of by the Mayor on yesterday, a list of which we append: James Clarke, arrested on suspicion of being one of the parties who knocked down and robbed Mr. F. J. Gardner, was arraingned for em as one of the men who attacked him, and he was let off on that charge. Information having been given to the Mayor that Clarke had assisted to relieve Louis Antone of $75, an offence in whose commission he was aided by Fontaine Rowe, the witness was introduced and positively identiliod Clarke as Rowe's companion. The latter has been in the State's prison for several months, having been sent up for three years for his participation in the offence. The new case against Clarke was continued, anClarke was continued, and he remanded to jail. John J. Allbone, arraigned for drawing a pistol on some unknown person in the street, proved that the arm was not loaded; that he was "sky-larking" and corned at the time. Discharged with an admonition. Jas. J. Mackl
the case was continued until Monday. James Phillips, charged with breaking into the house of Elizabeth Hindman, and smashing up a lot of her furniture, was arraigned for examination. The defendant was proved to have rendered himself liable to the pains and penalties of the law by committing an amatory assault on Martha Jane Miller, an inmate of Miss Hindman's domicil, and the Mayor sent him on to be examined before the Hustings Court on the 2d Monday in March next. The case of James Clarke, charged with stealing $75 from Louis Antone, on the 10th of last June, was called up, when the defendant attempted to prove an alibi. The case was continued for a further hearing. J. E. Lehmone, who assisted Fritz Kreibel in murdering Phillip Sautter, in his saloon, corner of Main and 10th streets, on Monday, was brought into court; but the Mayor deeming it advisable, if possible, to arrest the actual perpetrator, continued the case of the accessory until the 19th inst. Michael
subserve no good end. One of the soldiers was charged to have kissed a lady in the public streets agaist her consent. The assault in this instance was no doubt provoked by the exceeding loveliness of the subject operated on; but the Mayor intimated that the consent of both parties was essential to make such a transaction valid in the eyes of the law. A stolen kiss is valued at a good figure in the court of Hymen, but it is doubtful whether the Mayor would decide it to be grand larceny.--James Clarke was remanded for trial before the Hustings Court for aiding Fontaine Rowe to relieve Louis Antone of $75 on the 10th of last June.--Christopher Kissell was brought up, charged with stealing 16 car springs belonging to the C. S. Government, taken from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and in the possession of the Central Railroad. The evidence given in led to the impression that he was innocent of the charge. The case was continued for another hearing.--William Pittman, a free negro, was
and about 3,000 more colored females than males. On Saturday the police made a general descent upon the gambling-house of the city. The establishments kept at No. 143 Fulton st., No. 232 Broadway, and No. 119 Mercer street, were entered, and about fifty gamblers arrested. They were all taken before Recorder, Hoffman, who committed some of them for trial, and discharged a large number of them, who were not immediately implicated in the business. The new steamship Caledonia, Capt. James Clarke, of the anchor line of Atlantic steamers, reached this port yesterday from Glasgow, after a very stormy passage. The Caledonia has been built by Messrs. Hancyside & Henderson; of Scotland. She is of 8,606 tons burliest. The Caledonia experienced a detention of seven days in the ice in the vicinity of Cape Race, which point she reached on the seventh day out. She was surrounded for six days with bergs rising from ten to seventy feet above the surface of the water. Patrick T. Bro
Notice. --Runaway from the subscriber, near Dyton, M. Ringo county, Ala., my dining-room servant, James, sometimes caring himself James Clarke, a bright mulatto, about twenty-five years of age, slightly bowlegged; was raised in Richmond, Va., by a Dr. Totty. His parents still live there.--James was in the army last summer at Winchester. A reasonable reward will be paid for his apprehension and confinement in jail so that I get him again. Edward Baptist. my 10--1m*