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[The House spent a few minutes in secret session on the subject of salt] On the reopening of the doors, Mr. Barbour submitted a resolution that the General Assembly ratify the contract made by the majority of the joint committee with Mr. John N. Clarkson, for a supply of salt. Mr. Magruder moved to amend the resolution by substituting the contract made by the minority of the joint committee with Charles Scott & Co. The majority report provides that the State shall impress certaing the houses tenements, wells fixtures, engines, and appurtenances, offices, horses, and mules, wagons, hands, provisions, forage, &c. belonging to the company aforesaid, which she will lease for one year from the 15th day of March, 1863, to John N. Clarkson, for the sum of $100,000--to be paid to Stuart & Co; and in consideration of which the said Clarkson agrees to furnish to Virginia 700,000 bushels of salt — bagged and delivered at the railroad depot — at the rate of $1.50 per bushel. T
, and laid upon the table. Mr. Quesenberry introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on Salt to ascertain and report to the Senate on what terms the Salt Works in Washington and Smyth counties can be purchased. The resolution was agreed to. The consideration of the Salt Contrast, entered into by the committee with Messrs. Scott & Co., was the next business in order; and the question was upon the substitution of the minority report of the committee, contracting with Col. John N. Clarkson for a supply of salt. Mr. Coghill resumed his remarks on the question, commenced on Monday evening, and concluded, and was followed by Messrs. Collier and Johnson, the latter of whom took occasion to defend Messrs. Stuart, & Co. from some aspersions thrown upon them. The speaking was continued by Messrs. Robert- son, Thompson, Early, and others, up to the hour of recess, 3 o'clock. [The President, on Monday evening, on the eve of adjournment, laid before the Senate t
alls in some modest and appropriate remarks. The House thereupon stood adjourned to the first Monday in December, 1863. [Note.--After we went to press on Monday night the two branches of the Legislature on joint ballot, elected Col John N. Clarkson. Superintendent of the Salt Works. The parties in nomination were J. N. Clarkson, Wm. King, Chas. B. Fiske, and G. R. Mason. The whole number of votes cast on joint ballot was 121 necessary to a choice 61, of which whole number Clerkson reJ. N. Clarkson, Wm. King, Chas. B. Fiske, and G. R. Mason. The whole number of votes cast on joint ballot was 121 necessary to a choice 61, of which whole number Clerkson received 59. King 31, Fiske 11, and Mason, 6. This result was reported from the House at midnight, when Mr. Armstrong offered the following: Resolved, That the session of the General Assembly extended to March 31. (Tuesday) which resolution was adopted, and the House concurring, both branches that in extended session on Tuesday morning.]
tween the Chairman of the Committee and Stuart, Buchanan & Co., and Chas. Scott & Co., was taken up and agreed to. A bill was also passed making an appropriation for the purchase of salt, as reported from the House. Also, a bill to amend and re-enact the 2d, 5th, and 7th sections of an act to provide for the production and distribution of salt. A bill to authorize the appointment of an inspector of Salt; a bill to authorize the sale and transportation of salt belonging to John N. Clarkson; and a bill to amend and re-enact the 11th section of the act to provide for the production and distribution of salt, were taken up and passed. House bill for the relief of indigent soldiers and sailors of the State of Virginia, which had been sent back to the House with certain amendments by the Senate, and returned by that body with the announcement of its disagreement to the Senate's amendments, was taken up and the Senate refused to recede. The bill to make an additional ap
The Daily Dispatch: October 31, 1863., [Electronic resource], Release of Rev. Mr. Gibson, of Baltimore. (search)
er discussion, was defeated. A motion to reconsider the vote was lost. In the House, Senate bill to amend the act for the production and distribution of salt, so as to require security of county agents, and to provide for the dismissal of incompetent agents, was read and passed. Senate bill amending and re-enacting the act to provide for the appointment of an Inspector of Salt, to reside at Saltville, was read a second time and laid on the table. Senate bill to authorize John N. Clarkson, State Superintendent, to sell and transport salt belonging to him, was taken up and passed. Mr. Cowan, from the select committed, reported a bill to authorize the Auditor to pay to J. A. Belvin $481, the funeral expenses of the late Israel Robinson, Delegate from Berkeley, which was passed. On motion of Mr. Winston, the act to prevent the unnecessary distillation of grain was taken up and ordered to its engrossment. Pending the discussion of the bill to provide for the s
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1863., [Electronic resource], Acts passed by the Virginia Legislature. (search)
uthorize the arrest of deserters by the civil authorities. An act to provide for fuel and lights for the Governor's house. An act to authorize the transfer of causes from the Circuit Court for the city of Williamsburg and counties of James City to other Circuit Courts. An act to amend and re-enact section 11 of chapter 208 of the Code of Virginia. An act to authorize the Auditor to pay the funeral expenses of Israel Robinson, late delegate from Berkeley county. An act to authorize the sale and transportation of salt belonging to John N. Clarkson. An act refunding to John Nuran part of a license tax paid by him. An act to amend and re-enact an act passed March 11th, 1863, entitled an act to amend the 39th section of chapter 184 of the Code of Virginia, (ed, of 1860) so as to increase the compensation of Clerks and Sheriffs for public services. An act authorizing the County Court of Washington to dispose with the law of enclosures in said county.
stimated by one of the witnesses at "from four hundred to five hundred bushels of salt per day for ten or twelve days," when the State first took possession. Your committee would be derelict of their duty, if they failed, in this final report, to bear their emphatic and unqualified testimony to the zeal, energy, intelligence, and skill in the whole complicated business, and no less the integrity and fidelity to his trust, which has marked, in a conspicuous manner, the administration of John N. Clarkson, the State Superintendent of Salt. But when the General Assembly calls to mind the distressful and almost alarming condition of our people throughout the year 1862 and the first half of 1863; the absolute suffering of man and beast for want of salt; the repeated failures to obtain it from the owners of the Salt Works, under county contracts and contracts by the Governor — and now, on the other hand, find that the people and the markets are so fully supplied with a sound; merchantab
ervices was taken up, and advocated by Mr. Dulaney. The bill was put to vote, and rejected for want of a constitutional majority. The Senate then went into secret session to consider a confidential communication from the Governor. When the doors were opened, the Senate adjourned. House of Delegates. A communication from the Senate announced the agreement of that body to joint resolution of thanks to General Heth. Also, the report of committee to settle the claims of Colonel John N. Clarkson. The bill to provide an armed police for Richmond was taken up. [The bill authorizes the Mayor to organize and arm such number of persons as may be deemed necessary for the protection of property and the preservation of order within the corporate limits of the city of Richmond and one mile thereof; said police to be invested with the power of constables; to be armed and drilled under such form as the Mayor may best determine, and under what officers he may direct; the members o