Browsing named entities in John Bell Hood., Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies. You can also browse the collection for Clayton or search for Clayton in all documents.

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emonstration to be made against the town till our forces passed safely beyond, when I moved toward Tuscumbia, at which place I arrived on the 31st of October. Johnson's Division, which held possession of Florence, was reinforced the same day by Clayton's Division. Thus the Confederate Army rested upon the banks of the Tennessee one month after its departure from Palmetto. It had been almost continuously in motion during this interim; it had by rapid moves and manoeuvres, and with only a smt dawn the next morning with Cheatham's Corps — whose right was then resting near the point selected for a crossing — together with Stewart's Corps and Johnston's Division, of Lee's Corps, and to leave Lieutenant General Lee with Stevenson's and Clayton's Divisions and the bulk of the artillery, to demonstrate heavily against Schofield, and follow him if he retired. Since I had attempted this same movement on the 22d of July, and had been unable to secure its success, I resolved to go in per
atriotism. Order among the troops was in a measure restored at Brentwood, a few miles in rear of the scene of disaster, through the promptness and gallantry of Clayton's Division, which speedily formed and confronted the enemy, with Gibson's brigade and McKenzie's battery, of Fenner's battalion, acting as rear guard of the rear guard. General Clayton displayed admirable coolness and courage that afternoon and the next morning in the discharge of his duties. General Gibson, who evinced conspicuous gallantry and ability in the handling of his troops, succeeded, in concert with Clayton, in checking and staying the first and most dangerous shock which alwaysClayton, in checking and staying the first and most dangerous shock which always follows immediately after a rout. The result was that even after the Army passed the Big Harpeth, at Franklin, the brigades and divisions were marching in regular order. Captain Cooper, of my staff, had been sent to Murfreesboroa to inform General Forrest of our misfortune, and to order him to make the necessary dispositions of
nts of the enemy. On the 27th, Hindman's and Clayton's Divisions were withdrawn from the trenches n the left of, and obliquely to the road, and Clayton's Division on the right, connecting by a linet on the Lick-Skillet road, while Brown's and Clayton's Divisions were engaging the enemy. At my sabove South Florence, and Gibson's brigade of Clayton's Division was crossed at South Florence. The to place Johnson's Division, and afterwards Clayton's, in position to support the attack. JohnsoGeneral to cover and hold the Franklin pike. Clayton's Division occupied my right, Stevenson's my isiana), and Stovall's (Georgia) brigades, of Clayton's Division, and Pettus's Alabama brigade of Se retreat of the Army I remained in rear with Clayton's and part of Stevenson's Division, and halterigades, with Bledsoe's battery, under Major General Clayton. Several guidons were captured in oneting in Stevenson's rear, and attacked Major General Clayton's Division about dark; but they were h[12 more...]