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my train to go into camp and follow in the morning at daylight, and moved the column forward, Col. Cloud's brigade being in the advance. At about two o'clock in the morning the advance was halted by Col. Cloud, with the view of letting the column close up. The men were weary and exhausted, and no sooner were they halted than they dropped down in the brush by the wayside and were soon fast asleep, being in the rear of Col. Cloud's brigade. After waiting half an hour at a halt, I took a portion of my body-guard, went ahead to learn the cause of the delay, and ordered the command to move on,lligence of an approach had gone ahead of us, and fearing that the enemy would retreat, I sent Col. Cloud, who had come up with me in the advance back, to move his brigade forward as rapidly as possib, and numbers killed and wounded. Our loss was three killed and seven wounded. The Kansas Second, Lieut.-Colonel Bassett, under Colonel Cloud, did the most of the work. X, Tenth Kansas Volunteers.
x miles through the mountains. Expecting that the same demonstration would be repeated on the next morning, I directed Col. Cloud, commanding the Third brigade, to strengthen this post by the addition of one hundred cavalry and two howitzers, to be e below the junction of the roads just named, about three miles in rear of their advance. The Third brigade, under Colonel Cloud, was ordered to bivouac for the night on their arms, upon the ground south of the town, that I had selected to make aost, which was replied to by two of my twelve-pound mountain howitzers, without any damage to either party. I directed Col. Cloud to withdraw his troops on the outposts, with a view of drawing them out and ascertaining their force and design. Upon ngagement. All four of the Kansas regiments above named, under the head of their brigade commanders, Colonels Weer and Cloud--both soldiers of the true stamp — penetrated the woods where the enemy lay concealed, and fought them there for two hour
arned, however, the night previous, that I was moving upon them, and was prepared for our reception. About two hundred of the Kansas Second, (cavalry,) under Col. Cloud, with two mountain howitzers, under Lieutenant Stover, were in the advance, which, with Rabb's battery and my staff and body-guard, constituted the only force u army, consisting of three brigades, four batteries, and six mountain howitzers, under the command of General Solomon, First brigade, Col. Ware, Second brigade, Col. Cloud, Third brigade, were in camp near Lindsey's Prairie on the evening of the twenty-sixth. Orders were issued for detachments from each regiment to move at dayligg and flouring section in Arkansas. At four o'clock on the morning of the twenty-eighth the column was put in motion, the Third brigade in the advance, under Col. Cloud, in the following order: The Kansas Second cavalry, Colonel Basset, Captain Rabb's Indiana battery, the Kansas Eleventh infantry, Colonel Ewing, the rebel taken
ld charge for such trip); and as soon as the boat could get off, (it being aground amidship, the machinery during all this time not having stopped, worked the boat fast aground,) it made its way toward Van Buren. One mountain howitzer and one company of cavalry remaining on the spot, to see to the proper fulfilment of the contract entered into by General Blunt and the steamboat captain, who, by the way was a very gentlemanly fellow. The other cavalry, which had gone down under command of Col. Cloud of Kansas, soon secured the other two steamboats, the Key West and Rose Douglass, (one of them being captured by company E, First Missouri volunteer cavalry, Capt. Fuller;) and also a lot of rebel transportation, which was skedaddling fast. Thus ended the downward trips of these boats, and rebel teams of Col. Lane's regiment of Texas Partisan Rangers. We all then started back toward the city, and arrived just in time to participate in the cheers for the Stars and Stripes which were hoi