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Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 8 0 Browse Search
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win M. Stanton, Secretary of War. They reported thus: The undersigned availed themselves of the permit granted them to visit Colonel North, M. M. Jones, and Levi Cohn. They found them in the Carroll Prison, in close confinement. They then learned that Messrs. North and Cohn had been confined together in one room, and had notCohn had been confined together in one room, and had not been permitted to leave it for a moment during the four days they had been prisoners, even for the purposes of answering the calls of nature. They had been supplied with meager and coarse prison-rations, to be eaten in their room, where they constantly breathed the foul atmosphere arising from the standing odor. They had no vesew extracts from this communication will show how utter was the subversion of the authority of the government of the state of New York. They say: They, North, Cohn, and Jones, were not in the military or naval service of the United States, and by no law of which we are aware were they subject to the martial and military laws
Civil Rights Bill, 614. Claiborne, Major J. H., 569. Report on commissary after Lee's surrender, 578-79. Clare, Patrick, 201. Clarence (brig), 219, 237. Clark, General, 44, 46. Clay, —, Member of Confederate peace commission, 517. C. C., imprisonment, 597. Cleburne, General, 37, 360, 361. Death, 489. Clerk's Battalion, 424-25. Clifton (gunboat), 196, 197, 199, 200. Cobb, General, Howell, 71, 100, 131, 355, 418, 479, 481, 497-98, 505. Cockerell, General, 334, 343. Cohn, Levi, 414-15. Colburn, Colonel, 356. Cold Harbor, Battle of, 441-42. Colston, General, 103, 131, 302. Comay, Capt. S. O., 183. Confederate States of America. Combinations of insurrectionists, 2, 11. Measures taken by U. S. Government against, 2, 4-5. Effort to supply a navy, 9. Belligerent recognition, 10. Increasing independence, 14. Coast defenses, 62-65. Statements of strength of army, 131-34. Comparison with U. S., 158. Navy department organization, 163-64. Acquiring ships, 1