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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The dismemberment of Virginia. (search)
all. I do not, he said, regard this proposed division of Virginia as having received that assent from the Legislature of the State which the Constitution requires. * * * A number of individuals met at Wheeling and without any legal authority whatever, arranged a plan for a government. * * * The utter and flagrant unconstitutionality of this scheme—I may say its radically revolutionary character—ought to expose it to the reprobation of every loyal citizen and every member of this House. Mr. Colfax, of Indiana, had had grave doubts during the preceding session as to the propriety of passing the bill, but in view of the recognition of the Wheeling government by the President, by various heads of departments, and by the two Houses of Congress, he considered the question of the legitimacy of that government as settled by authority, The words authority, policy, necessity, are italicised in this. paragraph in order to call attention to the kind of arguments, or rather pretexts, it was
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Resolutions, 189. Virginia, Secession of, 40; munificense of, 53; despondent of; 61. Virginia or Merrimac, The, 216. Wade, Col. W. B., 222. Walker, Maj., John, 157. Walshe, Capt. B. T., 377. Washington, Gen., entertained at White Hall, S. C , in 1791, 78. Wells, Capt. E. L., 235. West Virginia meeting at Clarksburg in 1861, Constitution of the Wheeling Convention adopted, 40; U. S Senators Williams, Trumbull, Willey and Powell, on admission of, 42, 43; Representatives Conway, Colfax, Crittenden, Dawes, Segar and Stevens, on, 44, 45; vote on, 48; government at Alexandria, 50; U. S. Supreme Court on validity of government of, 51. Wheeler, Gen., Joseph, 185, 219; visit of, to Richmond, 291; his tribute to Pelham, 296; physique of, 302. Whitfield, Surgeon, George, 5. Whiting, General W. H C., Address on by C. B. Denson, 129; his heroic death, 174. Whittle, William C., 315. Wickham, General W. C., 242. Wilcox, Colonel J. J., Eulogies of, 3. Williams, Benjamin