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Mayor's Court. --On Saturday, the following cases were disposed of by the Mayor: Catherine Collins, a white woman, charged with receiving twenty-nine Colt's pistols, the property of the Confederate States, knowing them to have been stolen, was remanded for examination before the Hustings Court. The continued case of Peter V. Mervin and Hampton Allen, charged with committing a rape upon the person of Mrs. Henrietta Vance, was taken up and disposed of. Mrs. Vance's evidence was to the effect that Allen, with whom she was acquainted, came to her house on the evening of the occurrence in company with Mervin, whom she did not know; that Mervin seized her and threw her upon the stairs, and there committed the outrage upon her person, holding his hand over her mouth in order to silence her cries.--Dr. Thomas Pollard testified that, upon an examination of the person of the plaintiff, he found her very much bruised, and had evident marks of having been the victim, by force of vi
while skating on a pond. A "Society of the Oldest Inhabitants" has been organized in the city of Washington. To be eligible to membership a person must be fifty years of age and must have been for forty years a resident. In the gallery of the theatre in Crow street, Dublin, one night, a coal porter made himself disagreeable. There was a yell of "Throw him over," followed by the exquisitely droll idea, "Don't waste him; kill a fiddler with him." The Paris Sickle of November 16th, in an editorial article, speaks of the President of the late Confederacy as "Monsieur John Davis." Such is fame! Colt's armory, in Hartford, is to be re-built immediately. Its length will be twelve hundred feet. Daniel L. Gibbons, of Boston, Treasury agent at Mobile, committed suicide by cutting his throat on the 2d instant. The workingmen of New Albany, Indiana, have organized an "Eight-Hour League." Boston papers note a rapid increase of the steam tonnage of that port.
New York; Blair, of Missouri; Kasson, of Iowa; Voorhees, of Indiana; Farnsworth Spalding, of Ohio; Higsby, Wright, of New Jersey. On Banking and Currency.--Messrs of New York, chairman; Har; Culver, of Pennsylvania, land, of Ohio; Harding, of Kentucky; Lynch, of Maine; Devrees, of Indiana; Randall, of Pennsylvania; Hubbard, of West Virginia. District of Columbia.--Ingersoll, of Illinois; Dumont, of Indiana; Davis, of New York; Baldwin, of Massachusetts; McCullough, of Maryland; Colt, of Missouri; Walker O. Mercer, of Pennsylvania; Sharkland, of Kentucky. On the Judiciary.--Messrs. Wilson, of Iowa, chairman; Boutrell, of Massachusetts; Francis Thomas, of Maryland; Williams, of Pennsylvania; Woodbridge, of Vermont; Morris, of New York; Rogers, of New Jersey; Lawrence, of Ohio, and Cook, of Illinois. The House refused to suspend the rules for the admission of a resolution giving Southern members the privilege of the floor pending the consideration of their claims