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s Ellen Collins, of the Women's Central Association of Relief at New York, received and disbursed in supplies and money, several millions of dollars in value; Mrs. Rouse, Miss Mary Clark Brayton, and Miss Ellen F. Terry, of the Cleveland Soldiers' Aid Society, somewhat more than a million; Miss Abby May, of Boston, not far from the same amount; Mrs. Hoge, and Mrs. Livermore, of the N. W. Sanitary Commission, over a million; while Mrs. Seymour, of Buffalo, Miss Valeria Campbell, of Detroit, Mrs. Colt, of Milwaukie, Miss Rachel W. McFadden, of Pittsburg, Mrs. Hoadley, and Mrs. Mendenhall, of Cincinnati, Mrs. Clapp, and Miss H. A. Adams, of the St. Louis Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. Joel Jones, and Mrs. John Harris, of the Philadelphia Ladies' Aid Society, Mrs. Stranahan, and Mrs. Archer, of Brooklyn, if they did not do quite so large a business, at least rivaled the merchants of the smaller cities, in the extent of their disbursements; and when it is considered, that these ladies were not
L. P. Brockett, Women's work in the civil war: a record of heroism, patriotism and patience, Index of names of women whose services are recorded in this book. (search)
08. Brimmer, Mrs. Martin, 411. Broadhead, Mrs. Bettie, 409. Brooks, Mrs. Maria, 408. Brownell, Mrs. Kady, 82, 83. Bryden, Mrs., 89. Bucklin, Miss Sophronia, 409. Caldwell, Mrs., 410. Campbell, Mrs. John, 408. Campbell, Mrs. Lucy L., 408. Campbell, Miss Valeria, 53. Cary, Miss Mary, 405. Chapman, Mrs., 354. Clapp, Mrs. Anna L., 53, 76, 88. Clark, Mrs. A. M., 408. Clark, Miss Eudora, 406. Clark, Mrs. Lincoln, 165. Colfax, Mrs. Harriet R., 48, 395-399. Collins, Miss Ellen, 53. Colt, Mrs. Henrietta L., 53. Conrad, Mrs. R. E., 377. Coolidge, Mrs. C. P., 409. Comstock, Mrs. Elizabeth S., 410. Cowen, Mrs. Sarah J., 411. Cox, Miss Caroline, 406. Cozzens, Mrs. W. F., 408. Craighead, Miss Rebecca M., 408. Curtiss, Mrs. E., 409. Dame, Mrs. Harriet B., 410. Davis, Miss Clara, 295, 400-403. Davis, Mrs. E. W., 408. Davis, Mrs. G. T.M., 352-356. Davis, Mrs. Samuel C., 408. Day, Mrs. Juliana, 407. Debenham, Miss Anna M., 408 Divers, Bridget, 80-82. Dix, Miss Dorothea