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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoir of Jane Claudia Johnson. (search)
inking man, and his bids were generally too high. Thomas McKnight, of New York, under date of February 1st, offered to furnish the State with arms, saying he and his associates had furnished them to Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. He offered Colt's revolvers at from $18 to $25; minie muskets, to use either cap or Maynard primer, for $13; United States rifles, with sword bayonets, $21; Sharp's breech-loading rifles, $40, and carbines, $30. February 2d, Governor Ellis ordered 50,000 pound Merrill rifles, 100,000 percussion caps and 100,000 rifle, 500 each cartridge boxes, belts, etc., cartridges directed to Raleigh, via Norfolk. On the same day he wrote W. B. Hitrtley, secretary of the Colt Arms Company, New York, to send him 500 Colt's navy pistols at $18, to be shipped to Brown, DeRosset & Co., Wilmington, or McPheeters & Ghiselin, Norfolk; the order to be filled before March 1st. Hartlet wrote July 11th, that the pistols would be shipped on the 14th. The Governor wrote him
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.12 (search)
inking man, and his bids were generally too high. Thomas McKnight, of New York, under date of February 1st, offered to furnish the State with arms, saying he and his associates had furnished them to Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. He offered Colt's revolvers at from $18 to $25; minie muskets, to use either cap or Maynard primer, for $13; United States rifles, with sword bayonets, $21; Sharp's breech-loading rifles, $40, and carbines, $30. February 2d, Governor Ellis ordered 50,000 pound Merrill rifles, 100,000 percussion caps and 100,000 rifle, 500 each cartridge boxes, belts, etc., cartridges directed to Raleigh, via Norfolk. On the same day he wrote W. B. Hitrtley, secretary of the Colt Arms Company, New York, to send him 500 Colt's navy pistols at $18, to be shipped to Brown, DeRosset & Co., Wilmington, or McPheeters & Ghiselin, Norfolk; the order to be filled before March 1st. Hartlet wrote July 11th, that the pistols would be shipped on the 14th. The Governor wrote him