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been placed in perfect order for active service. Her original armament consisted of four twenty-five pound Dahlgren guns and one thirty-two pounder. Recently she received an addition to her powerful batteries in the shape of three long thirty-two pounders. The larger guns are placed in the ports about the paddle boxes; the twenty-four pounders are fixed aft. Her complement of small arms are very strong and of the best kind. It consists of Minnie rifled muskets, Sharpe's improved pistols, Colt's navy revolvers, navy boarding pistols and the improved navy cutlass. There is also on board a twelve pound boat howitzer, fitted for the launch. This piece of ordinance has a field carriage attached, so that the gun can be removed from the launch and instantly fitted on to the carriage, to be used for land service. The following is a list of her officers: John Faunce, Commander; D. B. Constable, First Lieutenant; D. D. Thompkins, Second Lieutenant; H. O. Porter, Second Lieutenant; Thomas
Want more arms. --That very excellent cavalry corps, the Verina Troop, recently organized in Henrico, have been supplied with sabres by the Adjutant General, but they are still applying for Colt's revolvers, the only weapon now lacking to make the company a most effective military organization. They now number 80 good members.