Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 25, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Colt or search for Colt in all documents.

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Col. Colt. --The Gollad (Texas) Messenger, of the 26th ult., says: We learn that Col. Colt, the investor of the celebrated revolves, has purchased the town of Lamar, on our Southern He owned one-fourth in , and gave $ for the other claimed. Col. Colt. --The Gollad (Texas) Messenger, of the 26th ult., says: We learn that Col. Colt, the investor of the celebrated revolves, has purchased the town of Lamar, on our Southern He owned one-fourth in , and gave $ for the other claimed.
r and proprietor of the Intelligencer, Mr. Wm. Harper, who was not at home at the time, but for whom they left their card.--They visited the Argus office, but did not harm that further than finding and carrying off a gun some one had left in the office, and stealing some twine and the front door key.--Such bravery deserves large rewards! The Federal forces were kept in check for twenty minutes at the bridge, one mile from town, by two young men by the name of Harness, who were armed with Colt's rifles, and who killed five or six of the enemy. Just think of it! Two men keeping at bay for twenty minutes 800 or 900 Federal troops Truly, Old Abe can thank his men, for they are very brave! Platoons would march up to cross the bridge, when these two men would present arms, muzzle front, when the platoon would file off and retire. The Messrs. Harness were not captured, and will make their mark. There is no doubt of there being five or six of the enemy killed and wounded by them, as