Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 13, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Colt or search for Colt in all documents.

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The pressure is too strong to be resisted. Interest and policy alike compel this recognition, and it will be accompanied by the opening of the blockade of the Southern ports. If you intend to resist, you cannot be too speedy in your preparations. The fortifications of New York harbor must be mounted with the heaviest artillery, and the rafts recommended by the Mayor should be got in readiness. Mr. Stevens's battery may not be seaworthy, but it can surely be anchored in the Narrows, and Col. Colt will undoubtedly be too happy to cover the whole bottom of the channel with submarine batteries. Will you resist? In a word, will there be war? If not, the humiliation of our country will be complete. If you fight, it will be with tremendous odds and against appalling difficulties. There was a time when the State of New York alone could have taken Canada, and when her disaffected people would have gladly raised the Stars and Stripes. That time, I believe, has passed.--For ten yea
ined for committing a felony, on the 20th December last, by stealing from the Columbian Hotel a trunk, containing a lot of wearing apparel, belonging to Richard A. Cox, worth $42. The prisoners were remanded for trial before Judge Lyons. Austin Connelly and John T. Smith were examined for feloniously, and by force and violence, and by putting one Frederick J. Gardner in bodily fear, on the 7th of February, stealing, and carrying away from his person, and within his immediate presence, a Colt's revolver and lot of wearing apparel.--Smith was remanded for trial before Judge Lyons. Connelly was ordered to be taken before the Mayor, to be examined for the offence of receiving stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen. Richard Morris and Thomas Collier were examined for stealing, from the store of Peyon Johnston & Brother, on the 14th day of January, a pocket book containing about $15 in bank notes, and a lot of valuable papers. The parties are half grown lads. They were dischar