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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 4 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 1 Browse Search
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Your search returned 7 results in 4 document sections:

Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 3: military operations in Missouri and Kentucky. (search)
tery. When intelligence of his approach was received, Colonel Garrard had only about six hundred effective men to oppose him. Others in sufficient numbers to insure a successful resistance were too remote to be available, for the invader moved swiftly, swooping down from the mountains like an eagle on its prey. Yet when he came, on the morning of the 21st, October, 1861. he found at Camp Wild Cat, besides Garrard's three regiments, a part of Colonel Coburn's Thirty-third Indiana, and Colonel Connell's Seventeenth Ohio regiments, and two hundred and fifty Kentucky cavalry, under Colonel Woolford, ready to resist him. With the latter came General Schoepf, an officer of foreign birth and military education, who assumed the chief command. The position of the Unionists was strong. Zollicoffer with his Tennesseans and a body of Mississippi Tigers boldly attacked them, and was twice repulsed. The first attack was in the morning, the second in the afternoon. The latter was final. Th
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
G. Morrison, William B. Stacy, Henry Shutes, John Taylor, John Harris, Henry Baker, James Avery, John Donnelly, John Noble, John Brown, Richard Bates, Thomas Burke, Thomas Robinson, Nicholas Irwin, John Cooper, John Brown, John Irving, William Blagdeen, William Madden, James Machon, William H. Brown, James Mifflin, James E Sterling, Richard Dennis, Samuel W. Davis, Samuel Todd, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Charles Melville, William A. Stanley, William Pelham, John McFarland, James G. Garrison, Thomas O. Connell, Wilson Brown. the following named persons, having had Medals of honor awarded to them for distinguished service in battle, and having again performed acts which, if they had not received that distinction, would have entitled them to it, were authorized to wear a bar attached to the ribbon by which the medal is suspended: John Cooper, Patrick Mullen. the following persons, whose names appear on the above list, forfeited their Medals by bad conduct: Joseph Brown, John Brazell, Fra
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
private horse. Co. H. Private Jas. A. Neal, Courier at Division Headquarters, one private horse. Co. I. Private H. R. Hartreeder. [3] Fourteenth Tennessee Regiment. Field and Staff. Sergeant-Maj. R. S. Moore, Ord. Sergeant Jas. T. Jenkins, one horse. Q. M. Sergeant John J. Barr, Co. A. 1st Sergeant P. M. Mitchen, Sergeant R. J. Goostree, Private T. D. Johnson. Co. B. Sergeant John B. Cross, Private H. Baggett, Private C. Wahl. Co. C. 1st Sergeant Thos. O. Connell, 2d Sergeant Robt. H. Murphy, 3d Sergeant M. Powell, 4th Sergeant B. F. Madole, Private E. C. Kirk, Harry Gaylor. Co. D. Private Geo. A. Sinclair. Co. E. Private W. H. Weaver. Co. G. Private J. R. Gillum, Richard Smith, Private D. H. Vickars. Co. H. Sergeant Jas. W. Jones, Courier at Sergeant Wm. H. Green, Courier at one Div. Headquarters. Corps Headquarters, private horse. Private W. H. Ford, Corporal Jas. P. Brader, B. W. Coleman. R. W.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
an, Lt. J. A. F, 402. Coleman, It John W., 146. Coleman, Lt. S H., 252. Coleman, Lt. W. G., 448. Coles, Adjt. R. J., 144. Collins, Capt. B. M., 204. Collins, Lt. E. J., 414. Collins, Capt. J. A., 15 Collins, Lt. V. K., 205. Collins, Lt. W. W., 146. Collock, Capt. J. G, 7. Comer, Lt. S., 123. Colston, Capt. F. M., 3. Compton, Capt J.,71. C. S. Artillery, 1st, 457, 284. C. S. Navy, 457. Conington, Lt. W. F., 197. Conn, Capt. W. T., 96. Connel, Capt. D , 110 Connell, Capt. W C., 326. Conner, Adjt. James A , 284. Conner's Brigade, 465. Conrad, Asst Surg J. S., 467.; Conscripts, 453-8. Conway, Capt. J. J , 467. Cook, Lt. D. C, 305. Cook, Gen. Phil, Brigade of, 246. Cooke, Lt. E. M., 383. Cooke, Capt., John Esten, 12. Cooke, Asst. Surgeon J. P., 146. Cooke, Gen. John R., Brigade of, 274. Cooper's Battery, 28, 29. Cooper, Lt. J. G., 394. Cooper, Capt. L. P., 284. Cooper, Maj. W. P., 190, 193. Copeland, Capt. A., 368. Cope