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George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade) 13 1 Browse Search
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George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 2 (search)
t here forever. We received a few days ago an official communication from Commodore Connor, Commodore David Connor, U. S. Navy, commanding the Gulf Squadron. infoCommodore David Connor, U. S. Navy, commanding the Gulf Squadron. informing General Taylor that Mexico had at last consented to negotiate with the United States upon the subject of a boundary. This settles definitely the question of wahe other day Harry Ingersoll, who came up to our camp with despatches from Commodore Connor, who heard at Vera Cruz such statements of the preparations of Mexico agai him that Santa Anna had not only entered Vera Cruz with the cognizance of Commodore Connor, but they had a long and confidential interview together. I should judge y, accompanied by the Engineer and Topographical Engineer staff, went with Commodore Connor on board one of the small naval steamers, to make a reconnoissance of the pped. camp before Vera Cruz, March 25, 1847. You will have heard that Commodore Connor has been relieved by Captain Perry. He returns in the Princeton. I hav
Clay, Henry, I, 16. Clymer, Dr., Meredith, I, 263. Coats, Col., William, I, 4. Cobb, Mr., I, 249. Cold Harbor, battle of, June 3, 1864, II, 200. Coles, Col., II, 241. Coles, Rev., II, 151. Colfax, Col., II, 167. Colgrove, Silas, II, 98. Colladay, Samuel R., I, 384. Collamore, Senator, II, 165. Collins, Lieut., I, 266. Collis, C. H. T., II, 164. Committee on the Conduct of the War, II, 169-176, 179, 186, 188. Comstock, Cyrus B., I, 209, 210. Connor, David, I, 36, 85, 131, 187, 192. Constant, M., I, 8. Contreras, battle of, 1847, I, 196. Cooper, James H., I, 286, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295; II, 47. Coppee, II, 197, 202. Cortez, Gen., II, 152. Cos, Gen., I, 179, 180. Coster, C. R., II, 52. Couch, Darius N., I, 373, 379; II, 9, 11, 12, 16, 20, 33, 41, 61, 104, 105, 114, 128, 129, 211, 212, 216, 308, 309, 365, 366, 384. Coulburn, Gen., I, 313. Covode, John, I, 340; II, 149. Cowan, Mr., II, 254, 265. Coxe, Miss