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Legislature of Virginia. Senate. Saturday, Dec. 21, 1861. The Senate was opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Converse, of the Presbyterian Church. Virginia Military Institute. The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Executive, transmitting the annual report of the Board of Visitors of the Virginia Military Institute. Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed. Tobacco statistics. The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Auditor of Public Accounts, transmitting elaborate statistics, in response to the following resolution, adopted on the 6th inst.: Resolved, That the Auditor of Public Accounts be requested to furnish to the Senate a statement, showing the aggregate amount of all money received into the Treasury for and on account of the State's insurance upon tobacco in all the warehouses in the State up to this time; the amount received from each warehouse; the period at which it was received; also, what amo
House of Delegates. Tuesday, March 18, 1862. The House was called to order at 11 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Converse. A communication was received from the Senate covering sundry bills, which were disposed of in the usual manner. Mr. Fleming reported a bill authorizing the sale of certain property at Oak Grove Church, Pocahontas county, which was ordered to be engrossed. The majority and minority reports from the committee to which was referred the subject of what constitutes a constitutional majority of this House, were taken up and read by the Clerk. A message was received from the Senate, informing the House that the former body had dissented from the action of the House on the bill relating to the Kanawha and James river canal. Mr. Robertson submitted a report from the Committee on Banks, returning senate bill exempting certain corporations, &c., from legal penalties and liability to personal actions by reason of their vi
e accuracy in the official reporter's notes. The above is the substance of all her testimony, and in nearly every instance, is exactly her own language. Testimony of Mrs. J. K. Elliott. Mrs. J. K. Elliott was the next witness; she testified as follows: I have known Mrs. Brinsmade since she was a child; knew her in New Orleans; have known her from childhood; was a neighbor of her father's; when I heard that Mrs. Brinsmade was a prisoner, I called upon Mr. Kennedy in company with Mrs. Converse, who had also known Mrs. Brinsmade; I asked where she was confined, by whose order, and for what reason; Mr. Kennedy said she was arrested as a general spy; that he had watched her since her landing in New York; that his presence had overshadowed her since she arrived here; that when she was in Brooklyn he had been there; when she was at the Everett House he was there; that when she went to Washington his presence followed her there, and that when he got her in the right place where he c
The Daily Dispatch: October 27, 1863., [Electronic resource], New York feeling towards the English and French. (search)
n Church, corner of Broad and 25th streets, took place last Sunday night. This being one of the most interesting ceremonies of the Church, a large concourse assembled to witness it. In the crowd were several ministers of the Hanover Presbytery. The sermon on the occasion was preached by Rev. Dr. Read, of the United Presbyterian Church, and was highly interesting and instructive. His theme was the "Heavenly Rest," and he handled it with marked ability. At the conclusion of the sermon Rev. Mr. Converse, assistant editor of the Christian Observer, and Moderator of the Presbytery, propounded the usual questions to the new pastor and his congregation. He was followed by Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of the Duval Street Church, in a charge to the pastor, and Rev. John D. Thomas, chaplain at battery No. 4, delivered the charge to the people. The exercises of the evening closed with a prayer by Rev. Mr. Bartlett, of South Carolina. Altogether, the occasion was a solemn and impressive one, and will
est Point to erect there a "battle monument," upon which shall be inscribed the names of all officers of the regular army who shall have been killed or died of wounds received in the field during the present war. The expense of the monument is to be defrayed by a sliding scale of taxation upon the officers of the regular army, $21 for a Major-General down to $7 for a Lieutenant. Edward W Green, Postmaster of the town of Malden, Mass, has been arrested and confesses to having murdered Mr Converse, the Teller of the names Bank, and to have robbed the bank of an immense sum of money, part of which is still concealed. The confession is one of the most remarkable in the history of crime. Green, it appears, had always borne an excellent character previously, and has a wife and child to share his degradation. The New York Commercial shows that since the war the rise in gold is 57 per cent.; in iron, 125 per cent.; in coal, 108 per cent.; coffee, 200 per cent.; sugar, 200 per cent
The Daily Dispatch: January 4, 1865., [Electronic resource], A Japanese matrimonial advertisement. (search)
ributions for the month of December, 1864, viz: From Mrs. R. W. Lewis, of Albemarle, a barrel of vegetables and apples; Midlothian Company, 1,000 bushels of coal; Richmond and Danville Railroad Company, free transportation on 1,000 bushels of coal; Mrs. G. W. Doswell, $50; A. B. Gwathmey, 100; Dr. B., 20; Prescott & Bailey, 260; Dr. Thomas Pollard, 40; a Virginian, Columbia, South Carolina, 50; Kent, Paine & Co. (com's), 262.40; J. M. Willis, 10; David Graham, of Wythe county, per Rev. Dr. Converse, 100; Miss Julia A. Marsh, Columbia, South Carolina, 60; Thos. R. Price & Co., 250; Jno. R. Tucker, 50; J. B. Winston, 50; W. Hargrove White, 100; Judge Moncure, 20; Miss Moncure, 5; Jno. Dooley, 100; R. K. J. (camp near Harrisonville), 10; J. W. S., 10; Alex. Taylor, 50; H. A. Lurxthal, 250; Thos, Samson, 500; Peter V. Daniel, 200; citizens of Amelia, per J. G. Jefferson, 625; a young lady of Mecklenburg, 600; R. H. Strother, 100; James Warwick, 150; George Royster, 50; a little girl
Virginia Legislature.[Extra session.] Senate. Tuesday, February 21, 1865. At 11 o'clock the Senate was called to order. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Converse. A communication was received from the House of Delegates announcing the passage of the following bills and resolution: An act to amend the second section of chapter one hundred and eighty-four of the Code, so as to increase the fees of surveyors. An act for the relief of G. W. Butts. An act to amend the law so as to increase the compensation of clerks and sheriffs for public service. An act to increase the allowances to officers having the care of lunatics. A resolution of thanks to Major-General Henry Heth and the officers and men of his command. The House resolution of thanks to Major-General Heth and the officers and men under his command was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. A bill was reported, by Mr. Coghill, from the Committee of Courts of Justice, providing for a
Virginia Legislature. [Extra session.] Senate. Wednesday, February 22, 1865. The Senate met at 11 A. M. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Converse. House bill to incorporate the Iron Mountain Company, in the county of Giles, was taken up, ordered to a third reading and passed. House bill incorporating the Petersburg Glass Company was referred to the Committee on General Laws. House bill to increase jailors' fees was taken up, read a third time and passed. House bill to authorize clerks of courts, for certain services, to charge triple the present fees, was taken up, read a third time and passed. Senate bill amending section eleven, chapter twenty-nine, of the Code, to exempt the property of persons in the service from distress from rent, payable in money, during the war, was taken up, read a third time and passed. Senate bill to amend chapter one hundred of the Code, to increase the pay of clerks for examining the books of commissioners of the revenue, was t
Virginia Legislature. [Extra session.] Senate. Friday, February 24, 1865. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Converse. The following bills were taken up, read the third time and passed: House bill providing for furnishing fuel to the sick and wounded soldiers from Virginia in Chimborazo Hospital. House bill providing for a loan of six hundred thousand dollars, in monthly instalments of two hundred thousand dollars, to the Roanoke Valley Railroad Company. The Senate bill entitled an act amending and re-enacting the second and third sections of an act entitled an act for the relief of families of soldiers living within the lines, or under the control, of the enemy, passed 20th of February, 1864, with an amendment by way of substitute, was reported to the Senate by the Clerk as having been passed by the House of Delegates, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate. On motion of Mr. Brannon, the subject was refe
Virginia Legislature. [Extra session.] Senate. Saturday, February 25, 1865. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Converse. In a very few minutes after being organized, and before any business, other than the reception and reference of a few resolutions and petitions, the Senate went into secret session. House of Delegates. The House met at 11 A. M.; and, after the transaction of some unimportant business, went into secret session. When the doors were re-opened the House adjourned.
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