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estion, whether the privilege of parliament preserved a member from being taken up for writing and publishing a libel, Charles Yorke, the great lawyer of the Rockingham whigs, spoke against the claim of privilege, and the house decided by a great majority, that a member of parliament, breaking the laws, is not privileged against arrest. Nor would Grenville or the king brook opposition; Barre, the gallant associate of Wolfe, was dismissed from the army for his votes, and the brave and candid Conway from the army and from his place in the bed-chamber. Shelburne also was not to remain the king's aidde-camp. The House of Commons entering upon the consideration of supplies with entire confidence in the minister, readily voted those necessary for the military establishment in the colonies; and this was followed by a renewed grant of the land-tax, which, at four chap. IX.} 1763. Dec. shillings in the pound, produced a little more than two million pounds sterling. Grenville promised th
ht, after a debate of seven hours, Beckford moved an adjournment, which Sir William Meredith seconded; and, with all the aid of those interested in West Indian estates, it was carried against America, by two hundred and forty-five to forty-nine. Conway and Beckford alone were said to have denied the power of Parliament; and it is doubtful how far it was questioned even by them. Even while this debate was proceeding, faith in the continuance of English liberty was conquering friends for Engla will you suffer your colonies to impede the exercise of those rights, untouched as they now are by the other branches of the legislature? Letter from London, of 16 Feb. 1765, in New-York Gazette 1169, 2, 3, of 30 May, 1765. This, retorted Conway, is the strangest argument I ever heard. Can there be a more declared avowal of your power than a petition submitting this case to your wisdom, and praying to be heard before your tribunal against a tax that will affect them in their privileges,
ames's, said Pitt, if I can carry the constitution along with me. Since his health was no longer equal to the post of secretary of state, he might select any station. For measures, he might balance the Bourbon alliance by any alliance that he should judge the most valid, and direct the foreign course of chap. XII.} 1765. May 19. England at his pleasure. His views of the course to be pursued at home implied the condemnation of general warrants, a peerage for Pratt, and the restoration of Conway and other officers, dismissed for their opinions. The terms, said Cumberland, are perfectly just, and must be agreed to. For the treasury Temple was declared acceptable. Chalk out a list of such as you would wish to fill all the posts of business, thus Cumberland earnestly entreated him, and I answer for it, the king will instantly adopt it. And it is certain, that in the conduct of this negotiation no obstacle arose from the palace. But the wayward Temple had taken part in the intervie
shed in the newspapers throughout America, and by men of all parties, by royalists in chap. XIII.} 1765. May. office, not less than by public bodies in the colonies, were received without dispute as the avowed sentiment of the Old Dominion. This is the way the fire began in Virginia. John Hughes's Letter, in Boston Gazette of 22 Sept. 1766. Of the American colonies, Virginia rang the alarm bell. Bernard to Halifax, Aug. 1765. Virginia gave the signal for the continent. Gage to Conway, 23 Sept. 1765. At the opening of the legislature of Massachusetts, Oliver, who had been appointed stamp-distributor, was, on the joint ballot of both branches, re-elected councillor, by a majority of but three out of about one hundred and twenty votes. Bernard to Lords of Trade. Representation of Lords of Trade, 1 Oct. 1765. More than half the representatives voted against him. On the very day on which the resolves of Virginia were adopted, and just as the publication of the spee
tions, he had seen Pitt at Stowe, and been fascinated by his powers; he took office, in the hope that the ministry might adopt the Great Commoner as its chief. Conway, who had been arbitrarily dismissed from military office, was suggested, as Grafton's associate. But thinking men foresaw peril to the stamp act, in intrusting item which he compared to lutestring, fit only for summer wear. Even so late as on the ninth of July, the king, who had reserved the place of secretary at war for Conway, renewed his entreaties; but the decisive refusal of Townshend, who held fast to his lucrative office of paymaster, threw the seals of the southern department and America, at the very last moment, into the hands of Conway. The new secretary, like Shelburne and Edmund Burke, was an Irishman, and, therefore, disposed to have very just notions of the colonies. His tem- chap. XV.} 1765. July. per was mild and moderate; in his inquiries he was reasonable and accurate; and it was his desir
cute itself, would perish from the beginning. Spontaneously, the decree seemed to go forth, that Boston should lead the way in the work of compulsion. Gage to Conway, Sept. It was already known there, that the king, desirous of changing his ministry, had sent for William Pitt; and the crowd that kindled the bonfire in King., 1765. a year, he fled from the colony to lodgings in the fort of New-York, as the only safe asylum. Petition of Z. Hood to Colden, 16 Sept. 1765. Golden to Conway, 23 Sept. The Maryland lawyers were of opinion, that the Stamp Tax must be declared invalid by the courts of Maryland, as a breach of chartered rights. One man pconfidence, persevered in the purpose of making parliament plainly see that the act would prove pernicious to Great Britain itself. George Meserve, Meserve to Conway, 31 July, 1766. the stamp distributor for New Hampshire, arriving in the same vessel, resigned his office before stepping on land; and afterwards, on his return t
September, 1765. during these acts of compulsory submission, and chap. XVI.} 1765 Sept. while Boston, in a full town-meeting unanimously asked the pictures of Conway and Barre for Faneuil Hall, the Lords of the Treasury in England, Rockingham, Dowdeswell, and Lord John Cavendish being present, held meetings almost daily, to ca765. Sept. emboldened by the arrival of two artillery companies from England, put the fort in such a state of offence and defence, as to be able to boast alike to Conway Colden to Conway, 23 Sept. and Amherst, Colden to Amherst, 10 Oct. that he had effectually discouraged sedition. The people here will soon come to better tConway, 23 Sept. and Amherst, Colden to Amherst, 10 Oct. that he had effectually discouraged sedition. The people here will soon come to better temper, after taxes become more familiar to them, wrote an officer King's Lib. Ms. 213. The author seems to have been Lord Adam Gordon. who had been sent to America, on a tour of observation. I will cram the stamps down their throats with the end of my sword, James to Colden, giving an account of his examination before Parl
perienced men who formed the active ministry of England, were less discerning. The names of Rockingham, and Grafton, and Conway, must be pronounced with respect; yet suddenly and unexpectedly brought to the administration of an empire, they knew not day but one of the session of the American Congress, and only seven before the time for the Stamp Act to go into effect, Conway, by advice of the Privy Council, sent orders to the American Governors, and to the General, exhorting to persuasive methods, and the utmost prudence and lenity. Conway to Gage; to Bernard; to the Governors of North America. The conduct of America was regulated by the Congress, at New-York. Those who compose it, said Gage, are of various characters and opinions;ion is not of the inexpediency of the Stamp Act; but that it is unconstitutional and contrary to their rights. Gage to Conway, 12 Oct. No colony was better represented than South Carolina. Her chap. XVIII.} 1765. Oct. delegation gave a chief to
es of Council. Gage, being appealed to, Colden to Gage, 5 Nov. Gage to Colden, 5 Nov. Gage to Conway, 8 Nov. Colden to Conway, 9 Nov. avowed the belief, that a fire from the fort would be the signaConway, 9 Nov. avowed the belief, that a fire from the fort would be the signal for an insurrection, and the commencement of a civil war. So the head of the province of New-York, and the military chief of all America, confessing their inability to stop the anarchy, capitulated, and no Stamps. The thirst for revenge rankled in Colden's breast. The lawyers, he wrote to Conway, at a time when the government in England was still bent on enforcing the Stamp Act, R. Jackse. He dismantled the fort, and suspended his power to execute the Stamp Act. Sir H. Moore to Conway, 21 Nov. When the assembly came together, it confirmed the doings of its committee at the Congrem, and compel him to renew his resignation under oath, or solemnly before witnesses. Tryon to Conway, 26 Dec. The colonies began also to think of permanent chap. XIX.} 1765. Nov union. join
, the Attorney-General, insisted on the right to tax America; while Grafton and Conway inclined to abdicate the pretended right, and the kind-hearted Rockingham declaelfth day of December waited on Rockingham, Dowdeswell, chap. XX.} 1765. Dec. Conway, and Dartmouth, were received with dispassionate calmness, it was announced thaedly the most serious matter that ever came before parliament, Geo. III. to Conway, 6 Dec. and he urged for it deliberation, candor, and temper. He was highly provoked Conway to Gage, 15 Dec. by the riots in New-York; and the surrender of the stamps to the municipality of the city seemed to him greatly humiliating. He watimpatient to receive a minute report of all that should occur. Geo. III. to Conway, 7 Dec. The Earl of Hardwicke, Hugh Hammersley to Lieut. Gov. Sharpe, Deem of politics which represented the colonies, as no otherwise related to Great Britain than by having the same king. Bernard to Conway, 19 Jan. and 22 Jan. 1766.