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Your search returned 69 results in 28 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: November 14, 1860., [Electronic resource], Southern Medical students in New York. (search)
For Hire.
--A good Cook, Washer and Ironer; also, an able Man, accustomed to general work.
Apply to Cock & Close, Office, Exchange Hotel Building, on 14th st. no 13--ts.
The Daily Dispatch: November 14, 1860., [Electronic resource], Spontaneous Combustion (search)
Cook, Washer and Ironer for Sale.
--We have for sale privately a No. 1 Bread, Meat and Pastry Cook, who is also an excellent Washer and Ironer, 24 years of age, strong, healthy and sound, and free of encumbrance.
Her owner, in order to secure for her a good home in this city or State, will sell her for less than her real value, to any person in need of a woman with such qualifications; and to effect this, will accommodate the purchaser, if it is desired, by settlement at 6 months timed Pastry Cook, who is also an excellent Washer and Ironer, 24 years of age, strong, healthy and sound, and free of encumbrance.
Her owner, in order to secure for her a good home in this city or State, will sell her for less than her real value, to any person in need of a woman with such qualifications; and to effect this, will accommodate the purchaser, if it is desired, by settlement at 6 months time, for approved, endorsed, negotiable paper.
Apply to Betts & Gregory, Aucts. no 12--3t
The Daily Dispatch: November 14, 1860., [Electronic resource], Further by the North American . (search)
Cook for Sale.
--We have for sale a young Negro Woman, aged twenty years. She is an A No. 1 Bread, Meat and Pastry Cook, and good Washer and Ironer. Pulliam & Co., Aucts., Odd Fellows' Hall, Franklin st. se 15--ts
Cook for Sale.
--We have for sale a young Negro Woman, aged twenty years. She is an A No. 1 Bread, Meat and Pastry Cook, and good Washer and Ironer. Pulliam & Co., Aucts., Odd Fellows' Hall, Franklin st. se 15--ts
The Daily Dispatch: November 14, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Threatening secession. (search)
By E. B. Cook, Auct'r.
Trustee's Sale of Household Furniture, Piano and Negro Man at Auction.--By virtue of a deed of trust, made by John H. Bosher to the subscriber, and duly recorded in the office of the Hustings Court of the city of Richmond, I will proceed to sell, at the residence corner of Marshall and 1st streets, on Monday, 19th inst., at 10 o'clock, the Furniture conveyed in said deed, consisting of a variety of useful and desirable housekeeping articles. --also.--
1 Piano, said to be a very good instrument.
A Negro Man named Tom, about 59 years old.
Terms.--All sums under $50 cash; over that amount, 90 days, for approved, endorsed paper. W. C. Tompkins, Trustee. Sale conducted by E. B. Cook Auct'r. no 8
The Daily Dispatch: February 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Canadians Incensed at the interference of England in the extradition case. (search)
"Go it while You're Young,"
--We find the following in the Raleigh (N. C.) Register: Married, at the residence of the bride's father, on the 12th December, by the Rev. D. A. Melican, Rev. Mark Smith and Miss Samantha Ann Haseltine, daughter of Governor Cook, aged 12 years 6 months and 13 days, all of Chatham county.
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1860., [Electronic resource], An Invitation. (search)
Cook for sale.
--We have for sale a young Negro Woman, aged twenty years. She is an A No. 1 Bread, Meat and Pastry Cook, and good Washer and Ironer. Pulliam & Co., Aucts., Odd Fellows' Hall, Franklin st. se 15--ts
Cook for sale.
--We have for sale a young Negro Woman, aged twenty years. She is an A No. 1 Bread, Meat and Pastry Cook, and good Washer and Ironer. Pulliam & Co., Aucts., Odd Fellows' Hall, Franklin st. se 15--ts
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1860., [Electronic resource], Servants' Clothing --Servants' Clothing . (search)
By E. B. Cook, Auct'r.Trustee's sale of Household Furniture, Piano and Negro Man at auction.
--By virtue of a deed of trust, made by John H. Bosher to the subscriber, and duly recorded in the office of the Hustings Court of the city of Richmond, I will proceed to sell, at the residence corner of Marshall and 1st streets, on Monday, 19th inst., at 10 o'clock, the Furniture conveyed in said deed, consisting of a variety of useful and desirable housekeeping articles. --also--
I Piano, saceed to sell, at the residence corner of Marshall and 1st streets, on Monday, 19th inst., at 10 o'clock, the Furniture conveyed in said deed, consisting of a variety of useful and desirable housekeeping articles. --also--
I Piano, said to be a very good instrument.
A Negro Man named Tom, about 59 years old.
Terms.--All sums under $50 cash; over that amount, 90 days, for approved, endorsed paper. W. C. Tompkins, Trustee. Sale conducted by E. B. Cook, Auct'r. no 8
The Daily Dispatch: November 15, 1860., [Electronic resource], Election Riot at Newfoundland . (search)
For Hire
--A good Cook, Washer and Ironer; also, an able Man, accustomed to general work. Apply to Cock & Close, Office, Exchange Hotel Building, on 14th st. no 13--ts
The Daily Dispatch: November 15, 1860., [Electronic resource], Postage to the Argentine Confederation , Paraguay and Uruguay , via England . (search)
Cook for Sale.
--We have for sale a young Negro Woman, aged twenty years. She is an A No. 1 Bread, Meat and Pastry Cook, and good Washer and Ironer. Pulliam & Co., Aucts., Odd Fellows' Hall, Franklin st. se 15--ts
Cook for Sale.
--We have for sale a young Negro Woman, aged twenty years. She is an A No. 1 Bread, Meat and Pastry Cook, and good Washer and Ironer. Pulliam & Co., Aucts., Odd Fellows' Hall, Franklin st. se 15--ts