Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for W. H. Cook or search for W. H. Cook in all documents.

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Wanted to Hire, for the coming year, a No. 1 Cook, Washer and Ironer; also, a No. 1 House Servant. For such, a good price will be given. Any person having such servants to hire will please address J. B., Dispatch office. de 15--3t*
Wanted to purchase a Servant --I wish to purchase, between now and Christmas, a first-rate Cook, Washer and Ironer; one that can be well recommended; I want no other. John Dooley. no 14--3tawts
Ran Away from the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company the following named Negro men; Paul, slave of W. H. Cook, Campbell county, Virginia, and Tom, slave of W. A. Harris, Lunenburg county, Virginia. The usual reward will be paid for their delivery to an agent of the company, or confinement in any jail where the company can get them. Paul is twenty-four years old, six feet high, dark complexion; Tom is eighteen years old, five feet six inches high, black complexion. Charles G. Talcott, Superintendent. de 14--1w Richmond Examiner and Lynchburg Virginian copy one week.