Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 8, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cook or search for Cook in all documents.

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For hire --One No. 1 Female Cook, Plain Cooks, Washers House Girls, Dining-room Servants, Farm Hands, one good Male Cook, Drivers, Factory Hands, Brick Yard Hands, one good Carriage Driver and House Servant. Thos. J. Bagby, Agent for Hiring out Negroes, Renting out Houses, &c., No. 8 Wall street, Under St. Charles Hotel. ja 8--5t For hire --One No. 1 Female Cook, Plain Cooks, Washers House Girls, Dining-room Servants, Farm Hands, one good Male Cook, Drivers, Factory Hands, Brick Yard Hands, one good Carriage Driver and House Servant. Thos. J. Bagby, Agent for Hiring out Negroes, Renting out Houses, &c., No. 8 Wall street, Under St. Charles Hotel. ja 8--5t
The Daily Dispatch: January 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], The General Assembly of Virginia firm and United (search)
Servants for hire --A Woman, with out encumbrance, who is a good plain Cook, Washer and Ironer. Also a Girl, accustomed to attending to the dining-room and general house work. To a good home the prices will be moderate. Apply to George J. Sumner, Governor street. ja 8--2t
For hire. --A female Cook, and several Women accustomed to general House work. Also, several Farm Hands. Apply to W. S. Phillips. ja 8--1t*
The Daily Dispatch: January 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the President and the South Carolina Commissioners. (search)
For hire --One good Cook, Washer and Iron, and one Chambermaid; also, two Boys, No. 1 Stemmers. Alex. Nott. 8--ts
For hire. --I have a first-rate Cook, Washer and Ironer, for hire. Apply to N. R. Savage, at the Post Office. 7--2t*
For hire --One first-rate female Cook middle one young Woman, accustomed to general house work and nursing; and an elderly Woman, from the country, all without encumbrance. also — A young and healthy Wet Nurse, with an infant, and an able-bodied Negro man, who is a good farm hand. Apply to J. A. Eggleston, No. 11 Pearl st. ja 5--3t
Wanted --I wish to hire fifty able-bodied Negroes for the present year, for mining, farming and railroad purpose, at the Carbon Hill Mines, in this county, and for employment at the coal in this city. Among them, a first-rate Carpenter, two Track Layers and Engine Runners, will be required. also — For my family, in this city, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer and a female House Servant. John J. Werth, Agent. ja 5--ts
Wanted. --I shall be prepared to hire for the ensuing year, for the operations at the Carbon Hill Mines, in this county, able-bodied Negro men, comprising pit hands, surface laborers, wagoners and mechanics; also, a Woman, who is a good Cook, Washer and Ironer, and a capable female House Servant, for my own use in the city. Jno. J. Werth, Agent. de 12--ts