Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 2, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cook or search for Cook in all documents.

Your search returned 5 results in 5 document sections:

Wanted --To hire for the ensuing year, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer; also a good House Servant. W. H. Richardson, No. 6 Exchange Building. de 31--3t*
For Hire --A nice young Woman, accustomed to general housework. Also an old Nurse, and a handy house Boy, about 12 years old, and a settled Woman — a plain Cook. Apply to J. A. Eggleston. No. 14 Pearl street. ja 3--1t*
Wanted-- immediately, 1 No. 1 male or female Cook. Also a good Dining Room Servant, Apply at Ms. Mosby's, corner of 9th and Franklin sts. ja 1--3t*
Wanted--to Hire-- A No. 1 Cook, Washer and Ironer, and a first-class House-Servant. For servants who can be well recommended, both for capacity and general character, a liberal price will be given. Address "G. W. S.," at this office. ja 2--3t*
For Hire-- A first rate Female Cook, No incumbrance; 10 good Coopers, 5 Carriage Drivers or Dining-room Servants, 5 Boys to wait in house, or drive doctors' carriages,--Also, Female House Servants, &c. Apply to C. S. Maurice, Office 73 Main streets. ja --3t*