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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Records of Longstreet's corps, A. N. V. (search)
h the utmost gallantry and success, capturing the battery (Cooper's), killing its horses, and turning its guns upon the enemx's brigade continued to move forward against the battery (Cooper's) which had been charged by Jenkins, with the exception oged before) the enemy did not wait for close quarters, and Cooper's battery was again taken. On the left of the road, the Ehe woods on the right the two regiments which had captured Cooper's battery, and which had also at last been compelled to reed the remnants of these regiments in the wood in front of Cooper's battery, which had been taken by the Ninth and Tenth Ala there) was ordered to renew the attack upon Randall's and Cooper's batteries. Archer's brigade was sent to the support of Pdvance with impetuosity and repossessed both Randall's and Cooper's batteries, and drove off their infantry supports; the tw Colonel Starke, who met the enemy in the wood, in rear of Cooper's battery. Colonel Starke, in his official report, says,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Colonel D. T. Chandler, (search)
artments were applied to, and authorized their issue, and I so telegraphed General Winder. Colonel Chandler's recommendations are coincided in. By order of General Cooper. R. H. Chilton, Assistant Adjutant and Inspector-General. Not content with this, Colonel Chandler testifies that he went to the War Office himself, and had an interview with the Assistant Secretary, J. A. Campbell, who then wrote below General Cooper's endorsement the following: These reports show a condition of things at Andersonville, which calls very loudly for the interposition of the Department, in order that a change may be made. J. A. Campbell, Assistant Secretary ould be kindly treated and amply provided with food to the extent of our means, and they both used their best means and exertions to these ends. Yours truly, S. Cooper. To Dr. R. R. Stevenson, Stewiacke, Nova Scotia: The two following letters need no comment, except to call attention to the fact that General Beauregard's
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
med citizen or inhabitant of this Confederacy by virtue or under pretext of any of the orders hereinbefore recited, whether with or without trial, whether under pretence of such citizen being a spy or hostage, or any other pretence, it shall be the duty of the Commanding General of the forces of this Confederacy to cause immediately to be hung, out of the commissioned officers, prisoners as aforesaid, a number equal to the number of our own citizens thus murdered by the enemy. By order. S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General. Now here was a fine opportunity for the authorities at Washington to stop the cartel and charge the Rebels with bad faith. They would doubtless have done so had we not held the excess of prisoners; but they simply indulged in a little high rhetoric, continued the cartel, and caused Pope to cease his high-handed outrages. And so the cartel continued until July, 1863--the Federal authorities frequently violating its provisions, and the Confederates carr
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
ay.--Confederate newspapers 1861 and 1862.--Map of Virginia used on the retreat from Richmond.--Map of the Seat of War in South Carolina and Georgia. Major Norman S. Walker, Liverpool.--Five bound volumes of the London Index, from May 1st 1862, to August 12th 1865. E. V. Fox, Esq.--Fox's mission to Russia in 1866. Mrs. Henry Pye, Richmond, Virginia.--Mss. of General Lee's final and full Report of the Pennsylvania Campaign (dated January 1864), copied by Michael Kelly, Clerk to General S. Cooper. R. S. Hollins, Baltimore, Maryland.--One bound file of Baltimore Sun, from October, 1860, to December 31st, 1865.--T. Ditterline's sketch of the battles of Gettysburg.--M. Jacobs' Invasion of Pennsylvania and Battle of Gettysbnrg. John McRae, Camden, South Carolina.--Complete file of Charleston Courier from May 1856 to February 1865.--Complete file of Richmond Dispatch from April 1861 to April 1864. James T. Bowyer, Fincastle, Virginia.--Lot of miscellaneous Confederate news
ate soldier in time of war or peace, for it must be remembered that the country traversed is uninhabited. The commanding general of this department issued an order last summer fixing the period of the payments at four months, which I thought the circumstances of the case called for, and which has been productive of no detriment whatever to the public service; since then the interior line has been established, making the travel much greater. In conclusion, I beg leave to refer you to Colonel Cooper for the best information with regard to this district, and to say that I will endeavor to execute faithfully whatever order you may deem it proper to give with regard to the period of the payment. General Johnston, in a letter of August 10, 1854, to his daughter, gives this account of his tours of duty: My dear daughter: I received your beautiful letter on my return from my last tour to the military posts, and have had necessarily to defer my answer until I could get off to Wash
eadquarters at such point as, in his judgment, will best secure the purposes of the command. By command of the Secretary of War: John Withers, Assistant Adjutant-General. He was further directed to go by Nashville, confer with Governor Harris, and then decide upon the steps to be taken. The rank of general, the highest in the Confederate army, had been created by law, and five officers had been appointed by the President and assigned to duty with the following relative rank: 1. S. Cooper (the adjutant-general); 2. A. S. Johnston; 3. R. E. Lee; 40 J. E. Johnston; 5. G. T. Beauregard. General J. E. Johnston regarded himself as entitled by law to the first place, and engaged in a controversy with the President relative thereto, the points of which he has perpetuated in his Narrative (pages 70-72). It is needless here to enter on a discussion of the merits of this question; but it is proper to say that it was one of no concern to General A. S. Johnston. President Davis has fre
ight three-fifths of his command will have arrived, and the whole of the remainder will be en route tomorrow. Deficiency of rolling-stock did not permit me to make his movement more compact. Respectfully, A. S. Johnston, General C. S. A. General Cooper, Adjutant-General, Richmond. The following letter to the adjutant-general discloses more fully General Johnston's situation at this date: headquarters, Western division, Bowling Green, Kentucky, October 17, 1861. General: I informed y this will be sufficient; and, if reinforcements from less endangered or less important points can be spared, I would be glad to receive them. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, A. S. Johnston, General 0. S. A. General S. Cooper., Adjutant and Inspector-General, Richmond. The Confederate army assembled near Bowling Green numbered, as stated, 12,000 men. This included about 6,000 under Buckner; 4,000 under Hardee, who had left 1,600 behind him, half of them sick; an
m to the adjutant-general: The battle commenced on the 6th of April. We attacked the enemy in a strong position in front of Pittsburg; and, after a severe battle of ten hours, duration, thanks be to the Almighty, we gained a complete victory, driving the enemy from every position. The loss on both sides is heavy, including the commander-in-chief, General A. S. Johnston, who fell gallantly leading his troops into the thickest of the fight. G. T. Beauregard, General commanding. To General S. Cooper, Adjutant-General. General Beauregard's brief report of the conclusion of Sunday's battle is as follows: The chief command then devolved upon me, though at the time I was greatly prostrated and suffering from the prolonged sickness with which I had been afflicted since early in February. The responsibility was one which, in my physical condition, I would have gladly avoided, though cast upon me when our forces were successfully pushing the enemy back upon the Tennessee River
,000 men, at least, arrayed against us on that day. In connection with the results of the battle I should state that the most of our men who had inferior arms exchanged them for the improved arms of the enemy. Also, that most of the property, public and personal, in the camp from which the enemy was driven on Sunday, was rendered useless or greatly damaged, except some of the tents. With this are transmitted certain papers, to wit: Order of movements, marked A. A list of the killed and wounded, marked B. A list of captured flags, marked C; and a map of the field of battle, marked D. All of which is respectfully submitted through my volunteer aide-de-camp, Colonel Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, who has in charge the flags, standards, and colors, captured from the enemy. I have the honor to be, general, your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard, General commanding. To General S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General Confederate States Army, Richmond, Va.
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 11: McDowell. (search)
egiment. Some Quarter-Master's and Commissary stores, arms, ammunition, and cavalry equipments remained for the victors. The force of General Milroy was supposed to be 8,000 men. Of General Jackson's, about 6,000, or only half his force, were engaged. From McDowell, General Jackson sent the following modest and laconic despatch, the first of those missives which, during the remainder of his career, so frequently electrified the country with joy: Valley district, May 9th, 1862. To Gen. S. Cooper: God blessed our arms with victory at McDowell yesterday. T. J. Jackson, Major-General. This announcement was received by the people of Virginia and of the Confederate States with peculiar delight, because it was the first blush of the returning day of triumphs after a season of gloomy disasters. The campaign had opened with the fall of Fort Donelson and the occupation of Nashville. The fruitless victory of Shiloh had been counterpoised in April by the fall of New Orleans, a l