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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 11., Medford fifty-four years ago. (search)
s been rotten for fifty years, and that nobody remembers? Well, and what would ye do if ye found 'em? Tell me that! I could not tell him, and our conversation ended. I returned to Boston that afternoon, but I was n't satisfied. There was something about the atmosphere of Medford that appealed to me, and the following week I packed my carpet bag and went back, this time by train. I found a boarding place in the square, in the house on the corner of Forest and Salem streets, where Timothy Cotting afterward erected his brick block. A baker named Richardson occupied one half, while the other was lived in by Mr. Gibbs, the worthy watchmaker, whose store was just opposite. On the opposite corner of the same streets stood an ancient building, the Tufts house, I think it was called, with one or two immense trees in front. At that time it was occupied—the lower half, at least—by a Mr. Peak, whose family later toured New England as the Bell Ringers. Mr. Peak was a skilful barber,
ick, we read as follows: The above cut represents smutty Ben, the blacksmith (Benjamin Moore), the spy and informer, going at full speed to collect witnesses with a horse and buggy belonging to old Galen of the James, with old pugnose T. C. (Timothy Cotting) in the foreground with a baker's broom to keep the road clean. Other men prominent in temperance affairs came in for their share of ridicule and scandalous hints. When the Mystic Church was founded, the same enemies reviled Galen James, did, for I think this communication may have been pithy. Orthodox to the backbone, he did not assert sectarianism in his temperance work; for in Medford, Rev. Caleb Stetson, Unitarian, Rev. Hosea Ballou, Universalist, with his parishioners, Timothy Cotting and James O. Curtis, and others from every denomination in town, worked to stamp out intemperance, and to encourage legislation against illegal liquor selling. The fight against intemperance and slavery, in which Deacon James was prominen