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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Incidents and reminiscences of the Fire Department of Medford. (search)
company prize as relics of auld lang syne. Mr. Francis A. Wait has hanging in the front hall of his house three buckets inscribed as follows: One, John A. Fulton1785. Two, Nathan Wait1810. The following are those in the hook and ladder carriage room: Two, J. Swan1785. Two, Ebenezer Hall1785. Two, Benjamin Fisk1800. One, Daniel Swan1821. Two, Robert Bacon1822. Two, Thomas R. Peck1827. Two, Abnah Bartlettno date. One, E. Hallno date. One, Daniel Lawrence1841. One, Timothy Cottingno date. One, Samuel Chaseno date. Two, Andrew Blanchard, Columbian Eagle Fire Society. One, Nathan Sawyerno date. One, Gov. BrooksNo. 1 One, Gen'l JacksonNo. 2. We have now in the service of the city an organization bearing the name of Washington Hook and Ladder Company which has been in existence for seventy-two years without interruption. From time to time this has been composed of many of our best and most influential citizens, who were imbued with the same sympathetic
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., First Universalist Society in Medford. (search)
ker. John Wheeler. Nathan W. Waite. Willard Butters. Miles Sampson. John H. Haskell. Thomas P. Hunt. Waldo Belknap. Timothy Cotting. George Sawyer. John Johnson. James Hyde, Jr. Joshua Bailey. Benjamin Walker. James ford. Moses Merrill. John Sawtelam S. Barker was elected and duly qualified by Justice Cushing. A prudential committee was elected, consisting of Timothy Cotting, Leonard Bucknam, and George Sawyer. Miles Sampson, James Ford, and John Wheeler were elected assessors, Timothy Timothy Cotting elected treasurer, and William S. Barker elected collector. We now have the society fully organized and ready to enter upon its important work, that its influence, with the other religious organizations of this town, should make the commed with the First Universalist Society in Medford was formed on Sunday, Jan. 19, 1834, and organized by choosing Messrs. Timothy Cotting and James O. Curtis deacons. It was publicly recognized Wednesday evening, January 29. The Lord's supper was