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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 10., Extracts from Selectmen's Records. (search)
ng him a license to Sell Spirituous Liquors.— On Application of Luther Angier as aforesaid— Voted. Galen James & Timothy Cotting (affirmative) James O. Curtis (negative) That a recommendation be granted to Said Angier as follows— We the Subscted. He being to the best of our knowledge & belief a person of good Moral character. Signed by Galen James and Timothy Cotting, Selectmen of Medford. Voted That the clerk draft a Letter to be presented to the County Commissioners at their nts & legal voters of this town is most humbly and respectfully requested— Signed by the Selectmen. [Galen James, Timothy Cotting, James O. Curtis] Medford, May 7, 1838 Vol. 4, p. 73, 74, 75. Monument in honor of John Brooks. August 6, 183nstructed to make inquiry concerning the Town Pound in the westerly part of the town. Vol. 4, p. 46. June 5, 1843. Mr. Cotting was appointed to ascertain the rights which the town possess in Land occupied for a Pound in the Westerly part of the