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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. A. Cowardin or search for J. A. Cowardin in all documents.
Your search returned 1 result in 1 document section:
By J. A. Cowardin & co.Terms of subscription:
Daily Paper.--For one year, one hundred Dollars; six month, Fifty Dollars; three months, Twenty-five Dollars; one month, Ten Dollars.
Agents and News Dealers will be furnished at thirty Dollars per hundred copies.
All orders must be accompanied with the money, to insure attention; and all remittance by mail will be at the risk of those who make them.
Advertising.--Advertisements will be inserted at the rate of Three Dollars per square for each insertion.
Eight lines (or less) constitute a square.
Larger advertisements in exact proportion.
Advertisements published till forbid will be charged Three Dollars per square for every insertion.