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National DemocratichiTicket for 1860.for president,Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois.for president,Herschel V.Johnson, of Georgia. Electors. 1st. Dist.--Gorge Blow, of Norfolk City. 2d. Dist.--Henry L. Hopkins, of Petersburg. 3d. Dist.--Jonathan B. Stovall, of Halifax. 4th. Dist.--James Garland, of Lynchburg. 5th. Dist.--Ben. F. Randolph, of Albemarle. 6th. Dist.--James H. Cox, of Chesterfield. 7th. Dist.--J B. Allworth, of Accomac. 8th. Dist.--G. H. C. Rowe, of Spotsylvania. 9th. Dist.--George W. Brent, of Alexandria. 10th. Dist.--Israel Robinson, of Berkeley. 11th. Dist.--J. N. Liggett, of Rockingham. 12th. Dist.--D. H. Hodge, of Montgomery. 13th. Dist.--George W. Hopkins, of Washington. 14th. Dist.--C. J. Stuart, of Doddridge. 15th. Dist.--Wm. G. Brown, of Preston. Election on Tuesday, 6th November. no 2--2t
The Daily Dispatch: November 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], English view of the late Royal visit. (search)
ranch miss Mary S Burke miss Marg't 2 Buck miss Jane Britton miss A Cannon mrs E Cassidy mrs Cooper mrs Eliz Cox mrs P L Cumine mrs Marg't Carter miss H R Christian miss S A Chandler miss H S Cobbs miss J Coleman miss J C Baker T S Barbridge Jas. Calwell W B Caldwell W B 2 Cox Wm. Childress W Cooks W A Clark W J Curry W J Cox W T Churchild J W Conant J E Curry J Cox J P Coate J J Cox J E Chronester J W Carr J Cannon J Carter JCox J P Coate J J Cox J E Chronester J W Carr J Cannon J Carter J B Cannard J Carson J D Chinns J Carter D M Craven L Clapp L 2 Copeland A M Carmell A Connell D Clark Dr H Crouch E Cosby C V Cooke C Clark C Cohen N A 3 Curtain P Carter R W Cheatham R D Carson R M Carter R Cox J E Chronester J W Carr J Cannon J Carter J B Cannard J Carson J D Chinns J Carter D M Craven L Clapp L 2 Copeland A M Carmell A Connell D Clark Dr H Crouch E Cosby C V Cooke C Clark C Cohen N A 3 Curtain P Carter R W Cheatham R D Carson R M Carter R Carter S Carson T J Cromp T R 2 Clarke T Crowley M Cohen & Jackson Draper Jno. S Dicken Jno. 2 Dalhouse A N Dolleure Dr L D Donohy Martia Dutron D E Donncher Pat Dunn & Co R G Davis Jas. W Ducket J Dwyer Jno. Dawes
el1488 Francis J. Anderson72Thos L. Isabel27 Walter R. Staples827Thos. J. Isabel264 Wm. R. Staples624James F. Massie90 W. R. Stables326I. R. Dunn500 Wm. Preston151Isaac R. Dunn160 James B. Newman447 John A. Newman510 John J. Newman429 John B. Newman402 Douglas ElectorsLincoln Electors. George Blow16,223Geo. Rev1,929 Henry L. Hopkins16,27John Wright1,929 Jonathan B. Stovall16,097R. H. Gray1,929 James Garland16,250Thos. Todd1,929 Benj. F. Randolph16, 186Joseph Applegate1,929 James H. Cox16,250Thos. J. Hewitt1,929 J. B. Ailworth16,250Joseph Bell1,929 G. H. C. Rows14,016John McLure1,929 Geo. W. Brent16,251Levi Pittman1,929 Israel Robinson16,241Wm. E Stephenson1,929 J. N. Liggett16,232D. W. Roberts1,929 D. H. Hodge16,103J. L. Freeman1,99 Geo. W. Hopkins16,224Jacob Hornbrook1,929 C. I. Stuart16,261S. M. Peterson1,908 Wm. G. Brown16,235G. D. Hall1,929 Scattering vote for Douglas Electors Geo. W. Blow28J. H. C. Rowe130 H. D. Hopkins27G. A. C. Rowe6 H. M. H
James H. Cox, Esq., the candidate for the Convention from Chesterfield, will address the people of Manchester on Thursday Evening, at 8 o'clock, at the African Church. ja 30--2t*
James H. Cox, Esq., the candidate for the Convention from Chesterfield, will address the people of Manchester on Friday Evening, at 8 o'clock, at the African Church. ja 30--3t
nged, the eastern one being entirely occupied by ladies. Temporary organization. The assembly was called to order by Mr. Robert E. Scott, of Fauquier, who suggested that the Convention appoint a temporary Chairman, and on his motion, Mr. James H. Cox, of Chesterfield, was unanimously chosen. Messrs. Patrick and Summers, of Kanawha, conducted Mr. Cox to the Chair. The Chairman returned his profound acknowledgments for the honor, and reminded the Convention that they held in theiMr. Cox to the Chair. The Chairman returned his profound acknowledgments for the honor, and reminded the Convention that they held in their hands the destinies of this great nation — upon their action, he believed, depended the salvation of the Republic. On motion of Mr. Scott, of Fauquier, Mr. Wm. F. Gordon, Jr., was appointed temporary Clerk of the Convention. The roll of delegates was then called, and it was ascertained that a quorum was present. Permanent organization. Mr. Summers, of Kanawha, nominated John Janney, of Loudoun, for President of the Convention. Mr. Flournoy, of Halifax, nominated Valent
ll the roll. The vote resulted as follows: yeas.--Messrs. Aston, Baldwin, Baylor, Berlin Blow, Boggess, Boyd, branch, Brent, brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Carlile, Carter, Clemens, Coffman, C. B. Conrad, Ro. Y. Conrad, Couch, Jas. H. Cox, Critcher, Custis, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, Echols, French, Fugate, Gillespie, Grant, Gravely, Gray, A. Hall, E. B. Hall, Hammond, Haymond, Hoge, Holladay, Hubbard, Hughes, Hull, Jackson, P. C. Johnston, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, McNeil, ult: yeas.--Messrs. Janney, (President,) Armstrong, Aston, Baldwin, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Bouldin, Boyd, branch, Brent, brown, Bruce, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Carlile, Clemens, Coffman, C. B. Conrad, R. Y. Conrad, Couch, J. H. Cox, Critcher, Custis, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, Echols, Flournoy, Forbes, French, Fugate, Garland, Gillespie, Grant, Gravely, Gray, Goggin, Hale, Addison Hall, E. B. Hall, Hammond, Haymond, Hoge, Holladay, Hubbard, Hughes, Hull, Jackson, M.
solved, as the sense of this meeting, that the State of Virginia ought at once to become a member of the Southern Confederacy, and that our representatives in the Convention be informed of their opinion. This resolution was opposed by Captain James H. Cox, and a substitute offered in its place. The merits of the two resolutions were discussed by Capt. Cox, in favor of the substitute, and M. Burfoot, Esq., and Mr. Edwin Cox, in favor of the resolution, and Capt. Cox having withdrawn his subCapt. Cox, in favor of the substitute, and M. Burfoot, Esq., and Mr. Edwin Cox, in favor of the resolution, and Capt. Cox having withdrawn his substitute, the resolution was adopted with only one dissenting voice. On motion of Mr. Gill, it was Resolved, That our Senator and Delegate in the Legislature of Virginia be requested to offer, in their respective branches of the Legislature, a proposition providing that the sense of the people be taken at the spring election, as to whether Virginia shall go North or South. W. B. Gates, Esq., offered the following resolution, prefacing it with the remark that, as he did not vote fo
, Tho F Goode, Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kledred, Lawson, Leake, Chas. K. Mallory, Jas. B. Mallory, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Strange, Thornton, Robt. H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Tyler, Williams, Wise, and Woods.--37. Nays.--Messrs Janney, (President,) Armstrong, Asion, Baldwin, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Boyd, Brent, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Cabell, Campbell, Carlile, Chapman, Clemens, C. R. Conrad, Robt. Y. Conrad, Couch, James H. Cox, Custis, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, Echols, Forbes, Fugate, Garland, Gillespie, Gravely, Gray, Goggin, Addison Hall, Cyrus Hall, Ephraim B. Hall, Hammond, Haymond, Hoge, Holladay, Hubbard, Hughes, Huil, Jackson, Marmaduke Johnson, Peter C. Johnston, Kilby, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, McNeil, Macfarland, Marshall, Marye, Maslin, Masters, Miller, Moffet, Nelson, Osburn, Parks, Petrick, Pendleton, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Rives, Robt. E. Scott, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlingtone Slaughter, So
nch, of Petersburg, was in favor of compromise, and moved to amend by substituting Friday week for Monday next. Decided out of order, the previous question having been called. The call for the previous question being sustained, the main question was put. Mr. Carlile demanded the yeas and nays, and the vote resulted as follows: Yeas.--Messrs Armstrong, Aston, Baylor, Berlin, Boggess, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Carlile, Carter, C.B. Conrad, Robt. Y. Conrad, Couch, Jas. H Cox, Custis, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, French, Fugate, Gillespie, Gray, A. Hall, E. B. Hall, Haymond, Hoge, Holiday, Hubbard, Hughes, Hall, Jackson, P. C. Johnstone, Kilby, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, McNeil, Macfarland, Marshall, Marr, Maslin, Masters, Moffett, Moore, Orrick, Osburn, Parks, Pendleton, Porter, Price, Pugh. Wm. C. Scott, Sharp, Sitlington, Spurlock, A. H. H. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Summers, Tarr, Taylor, Whitfield, Wickham, Willey, and Wilson--66. Nays.--Messrs. Janney, (Pre
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