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e the campaign which followed, unless withheld by General Beauregard or the authorities at Richmond. General Beauregard at this time was journeying in my direction. I proposed, therefore, when he joined me, to lay fully before him my plan of operations. Before entering into an account thereof, I will for a moment advert to the evidences of the solicitude occasioned the enemy by our movement to the Alabama line. On the 10th of October, General Sherman telegraphed to Generals Thomas and Cox, as follows: Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 153. I will be at Kingston to-morrow. I think Rome is strong enough to resist any attack, and the rivers are all high. If he (Hood) turns up by Summerville, I will get behind him. On the 16th, when in pursuit of our Army from Resaca in the direction of Ship's Gap and Lafayette, he again telegraphs to Thomas, at Nashville: Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II, page 156. Send me Morgan's and Newton's old Divisions. Re-establish the road
of the Army. I was at the time lieutenant colonel and assistant adjutant general of the Fourth Army Corps. J. S. Fullerton, Brevet Brigadier General, United States Volunteers. Van Horne; in his History of the Army of the Cumberland, informs us that at 3 p. m., when the Confederate Army was already at Spring Hill, the Federal commander became apprised of our move in his rear, and thus describes his retreat: Vol. II, page 194. His (Lee's) repeated attacks were all repulsed by General Cox, and at 3 p. m., General Schofield became satisfied that the enemy would not attack on Duck river, but was moving two corps directly on Spring Hill. He then gave orders for the withdrawal. * * * There was some delay at Rutherford's creek, as the bridge was inadequate for the emergency, but nevertheless the divisions, one after another, arrived at Spring Hill — the foremost of the three at 11 p. m. The enemy's pickets fired into the column frequently, but as they did not come upon the