Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cox or search for Cox in all documents.

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uff's regiment: The next day after reaching General Cox's Camp, on the Kanawha, a battle took place, fivewever, were not to blame; they fought gallantly. General Cox had 4 500 men within five miles of the rebels, wh was 1,500 men. Notwithstanding these advantages, General Cox sent only 1,100 men against them. He had not inflay if we were called upon. Col. Woodruff went to Gen. Cox, and begged him to allow the Second Kentucky Regiment to go to the battle ground. Cox replied that he had sent enough to take the rebels. In this he was mistakthe better judge. If his advice had been followed by Cox, the rebels would have been easily taken. This, however, is not all of General Cox's blunders; a still greater one remains untold. At about four o'clock on the evening of the fight, General Cox came to Woodruff, and told him that our men were victorious, but that the Colonund that our men, instead of being victorious, as General Cox had reported, were defeated. When Cols. Woodruff
The Federal Colonel Tyler. There is a Colonel Tyler in the Federal army, who beings to Cox's division, and whose regiment was marched into Nicholas county, to Summerville, with the view of getting behind Wise. This Colonel is well known in Western Virginia as a pedlar in furs, or rather a dealer in furs. His business was to buy skins from the hunters in that part of the State. He is a Yankee by birth and character. Those who know him well speak of him as a great rascal, and we have no doubt that he is, His general reputation among Western Virginians is that of a sharper and cheat. He acquired very considerable knowledge of the country, and learned all the high-ways and by-ways of the mountains. It was possibly this knowledge, more than any real merit, that placed so unmeritorious a man in a position of command. It was, no doubt, thought that a man so well posted on the topography of the country could easily find his way to its heart, and desolate the hearth-stones of those
command of Colonel Taliaferro, on Monday morning advanced to within three miles of their post, drove their pickets in, and then waited for hours for the enemy to attack us; but they feared to move out of their stronghold. We returned to camp, having marched about twenty-two miles and waded through several streams of water. We hear numerous rumors of the movements of Gens. Wise and Floyd, but nothing of a reliable character. The latest report is that they have engaged the enemy under Gen. Cox. This may be true, as reports of cannon were distinctly heard on yesterday and Monday. General Lee is said to be near Huttonsville. His future movements and the number of his troops, of course I am not informed of. The soldiers here have to perform pretty hard picket duty; but they obey the orders with alacrity and zeal. We have now about the healthiest encampment, perhaps, that can be found in the State. The weather is very unsettled, and rain has been abundant within the las