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itely applied. It was afterwards the intention of some to unite Mr. Cradock's, Mr. Winthrop's, Mr. Wilson's, and Mr. Nowell's lands in one t River on the south and the Rocks on the north, is granted to Mr. Mathew Cradock, merchant, to enjoy to him and his heirs for ever. Generalt, March 3, 1635.--Ordered, That the land formerly granted to Mr. Mathew Cradock, merchant, shall extend a mile into the country from the rivee propriety of farms granted to John Winthrop, Esq., Mr. Nowell, Mr. Cradock, and Mr. Wilson, to the owners thereof, as also free ingress and said gentlemen, and common for their cattle on the back side of Mr. Cradock's farm. General Court, Oct. 7, 1640.--Mr. Tynge, Mr. Samuel Sward Converse, are to set out the bounds between Charlestown and Mr. Cradock's farm on the north side of Mistick River (Stoneham and Malden).e grants of land made by the General Court to Governor Winthrop, Mr. Cradock, Rev. Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Nowell, show conclusively what the bes
t fit to refer this business to the Governor (Cradock), and a Committee to be chosen to that purpossettlement by other than Mr. Cradock's men. Mr. Cradock's men had their rights to land; and probabl. Nicholas Davison, the mercantile agent of Mr. Cradock, and who lived near Mr. Wade, petitioned thonsideration the munificent disbursement of Mr. Cradock in planting the Colony, and resolved to shopany to pay half the expense. Undoubtedly, Mr. Cradock's house was so built. That forts were thout on the hill will not reach that end. Governor Cradock's House.--The old two-story brick house i clear, that the old fort, so called, was Governor Cradock's house, built in 1634. It is an invaluairst suggested the erection of a bridge. Mr. Cradock's agent (Davison) commenced the building ofstands; and, lastly, we may say, that to Mr. Mathew Cradock, of London, our fathers were indebted fo. 7, 1632, we have the following record: Mr. Mathew Cradock is fined £ 4 for his men being absent fr[96 more...]
We have elsewhere shown who were the several purchasers after the death of Mr. Cradock. There is, therefore, no just warrant for considering Medford as a manor, abooks, called Mistick, after the name of its river. It was sometimes called Mr. Cradock's farm, because that gentleman had introduced farmers to cultivate its lands part of its territory owned by one gentleman, and he a resident in London. Mr. Cradock, the strongest and wealthiest friend of the Colony, had this grant of land i laws to regulate the fishermen, coopers, ship-carpenters, and farmers, whom Mr. Cradock had established here. Such laws could not be enforced except by a proper civil authority; and such authority every thing proves to have existed. Mr. Cradock's grants were not made till 1634-5; but Medford was taxed, as other towns, in 16re, were four or five years in which it acted as an incorporated town before Mr. Cradock came into possession of his grant. During those four or five years, it coul
4th of June, which shall be in the year 1650, provide for every fifty soldiers in each town a barrel of good powder, one hundred and fifty pounds of musket bullets, and one-quarter of a hundred of match. May 26, 1658: The General Court say:-- In answer to the request of the inhabitants of Meadford, the Court judgeth it meet to grant their desire; i. e., liberty to list themselves in the trainband of Cambridge, and be no longer compelled to travel unto Charlestown. As several of Mr. Cradock's men were fined at different times for absence from training, we infer that the military exercises required by law were very strictly observed in Medford; and how it could have been otherwise, after so many special laws and regulations, we do not see. It seemed a first necessity of their forest-life to protect themselves from the wily Indian and the hungry bear. These military preparations were not suspended for a century. As late as Aug. 4, 1718, the inhabitants of Medford voted £ 10
ten shillings per pound. Sept. 6, 1638: Mr. Cradock's accounts were audited in Boston. Mr. CMr. Cradock's large outlay here, for all the accommodations requisite in building schooners and carrying of things continued till the withdrawal of Mr. Cradock's property, a few years after his death. Tis brother Simon made bricks in a yard near Mr. Cradock's house, in the eastern part of the town; amed Rebecca, tonnage unknown: both built by Mr. Cradock. Mr. William Wood, in 1633, writes: Mr. CraMr. Cradock is here at charges of building ships. The last year, one was upon the stocks of a hundred ton business were made in England, in 1629, by Mr. Cradock, who believed it the most promising investmrs, and be first served. The property of Governor Cradock, invested at Medford for fishing and otheom all that we can gather, we conclude that Mr. Cradock had invested as much as fifteen thousand do use to put under their Indian corn. Had Mr. Cradock's letters to his agents in Medford been pre[4 more...]
th. At this time (1644), Medford began to pay its tax to Harvard College. Each family was required to send one peck of corn annually, for the support of poor students. Until 1646, the poll-tax of each man in Medford was one shilling and eightpence. On real estate, one penny on the pound. The above data show how heavily or lightly Medford was taxed during the first ten years of its history. The grants of land made, in 1634, by the General Court, to Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Boston, Mathew Cradock, Esq., of London, and Mr. J. Nowell, were exempted from taxation; and, as some of them laid within the limits of Medford, it made this town an exception. In the records of the General Court, April 4, 1641, we find the following:-- It is ordered, that all farms that are within the bounds of any town shall be of the town in which they lye, except Meadford. Meadford declared a peculiar town, Oct. 15, 1684. While it was right in the General Court to make gifts of land, tax-free, to
anelled, concerning the death of Austen Bratcher (Bradshaw). Austen Bratcher, dying lately at Mr. Cradock's plantation, was viewed before his burial by divers persons. The jury's verdict: We find tht guilty. At a court held at Watertown, March 8, 1631, Ordered that Thomas Fox, servant of Mr. Cradock, shall be whipped for uttering malicious and scandalous speeches, whereby he sought to traducn without his benediction. June 14, 1631: At this court, one Philip Radcliff, a servant of Mr. Cradock, being convict, ore tenus, of most foul, scandalous invectives against our churches and goverppearing when he was called to serve upon the grand jury. Sept. 3, 1639: Nicholas Davison (Mr. Cradock's agent), for swearing an oath, was ordered to pay one pound; which he consented unto. Nov died, leaving two children undisposed of, the charge of the one is ordered to be defrayed by Mr. Cradock, he having the goods of the deceased, the other child being disposed of by the country. We s
back to mill, and thence home. May 6, 1646.--The General Court forbid all persons taking any tobacco within five miles of any house. 1647.--The sum of fifty pounds, and, in 1649, the additional sum of fifty pounds, given, by the will of Mathew Cradock, Esq., to the poor of St. Swithen's, are acknowledged as having been received, and entered in the Vellum Book, Oct. 17, 1651. These sum, were laid out in building shops against the church-wall. 1647.--Charlestown's part of Mistick Wear waAbigail Hall. Was this the first time he had seen a couple so placed? Sept. 12, 1731.--Rev. John Seccomb preached in Medford. 1735.--Sampson, a negro slave, was sorely frightened by a wild bear and cub, which he met in the woods, near Governor Cradock's house. In a rock on the north-east border of Medford, near the corner of Melrose, is a deep excavation, called Bear's Den. Oct. 8, 1738.--Governor Belcher attended meeting in Medford, Sunday. Rev. Mr. Turell preached. Rev. Joshua T
red from the Watertown records, is to be seen on those of Concord, where he was constable in 1638. He settled in this latter town, and owned large estates there; in consequence, he was appointed to the various town-offices. In 1660, he, with his son-in-law, Timothy Wheeler, bought four hundred acres of land in Medford, for four hundred and four pounds sterling, which he owned at the time of his death. His farm in Medford was bought of Edward Collins, and thus probably a part of the great Cradock estate. He sold his farm in Concord, Oct. 22, 1664; and he died there, May 21, 1667. His wife was Grace----, who died May 12, 1664. His children were--  1-2Joshua, b. freeman, 1652; m. Han. Mason, of Watertown.  3Caleb, b. 1632; freeman, 1654.  4Gershom, freeman, 1672; m. Hannah Eckles.  5Mary, m. Tim. Wheeler, of Concord. (According to Mr. Shattuck, probably others.) 1-3CALEB Brooks lived at Concord until 1679. He m., successively, the two daus. of Thomas Atkinson; viz., Susan
own of Charlestown brought a suit against Governor Cradock's agent for obstructing the river with a ollow the suit at the Quarter Court against Mr. Cradock's agent, for stopping up Mistick river withCourt next, to witness to the concerning of Mr. Cradock's bridge. No mention is made of this suig that this old structure was the work of Governor Cradock's agent in those early days. It is prohough Mistick bridge was first commenced by Mr. Cradock as a private enterprise, yet it so commendetself to the Court as a public benefit that Mr. Cradock was reimbursed for what he had previously ding Mistick bridge, was not satisfactory to Mr. Cradock's agent, as will be shown by the following the petition of Nic. Davidson in behalf of Mr. Cradock for the repairing and maintaining of Misticgly hath been done. That the troubles of Mr. Cradock's agent in regard to a safe and convenient ented by Mr. Nicholas Davidson in behalf of Mr. Cradock, in reference to Mistick bridge, it is orde[3 more...]