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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Grand movement of the Army of the Potomac- crossing the Rapidan-entering the Wilderness- battle of the Wilderness (search)
ill on the Orange Plank Road, Longstreet to follow on the same road. Longstreet was at this time — middle of the afternoon-at Gordonsville, twenty or more miles away. Ewell was ordered by the Orange Pike. He was near by and arrived some four miles east of Mine Run before bivouacking for the night. My orders were given through General Meade for an early advance on the morning of the 5th. Warren was to move to Parker's store, and Wilson's cavalry-then at Parker's store — to move on to Craig's meeting-house. Sedgwick followed Warren, closing in on his right. The Army of the Potomac was facing to the west, though our advance was made to the south, except when facing the enemy. Hancock was to move south-westward to join on the left of Warren, his left to reach to Shady Grove Church. At six o'clock, before reaching Parker's store, Warren discovered the enemy. He sent word back to this effect, and was ordered to halt and prepare to meet and attack him. Wright, with his divis
t my highest approbation. Such being the case, I find it impossible to name particular ones as deserving of notice for their brayery, without doing injustice to the rest. To Major Brewer, however, I am particularly indebted for the valuable aid and assistance he rendered me in carrying out the different orders I received, and for his coolness and bravery. Lieutenant Kelso, Commissary, deserves notice for his timely aid in furnishing food and water to the men while they were engaged. Lieutenant Craig, Quartermaster, also did his whole duty in his department, and B. J. Kilpatrick, Ordnance Sergeant, was always on hand with ammunition for the regiment and battery. Many of the men fired over one hundred rounds. Yours, etc., Thos. N. Pase, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding First Indiana Cavalry. Naval reports. United States Mississippi Squadron, flag-ship Black Hawk, off Vicksburgh, July 11, 1863. sir: I have the honor to inclose you a full report of the late affair at Hel
deep, had entered into the soul of the whole detachment. Several of our boys were shot while trying to make their escape; others were more successful, among whom, I am happy to state, was our worthy Major, who immediately hastened to bring reenforcements from the detachment at Petersburgh. These last, led by Colonel Thoburn, arrived too late. Our detachment were already upon their way to Richmond. Among the many valuable officers lost to the service by this surprise, may be mentioned Captains Craig, White, and Reed; Lieutenants Hall, Helms, McKee, and Baird. Captains Daugherty and McElvoy and Lieutenant Apple have already made their escape, and returned safely to the camp at Petersburgh. I am happy to state many of the men have also made good their escape. Foot-sore and weary from their wanderings upon the dark and weary mountains, they are greatly rejoiced to arrive, even to the shelter and protection that an exposed camp can afford. The sutler of the regiment, D. J. Smith, E
unequivocally disavow any desire, or design, or willingness, that the Confederate Administration shall relax its exertions, or the people theirs, to advance and establish the cause to which we are pledged in our fortunes, and by our victories, to the utmost of our talents, to use them in support of the separate independence of the States. The offer of the resolution excited some debate. The question on the adoption was laid over. A resolution was offered by Mr. James, of Botetourt and Craig, for confiscating or sequestrating the property of deserters from the confederate army. Mr. Hall, of Wetzell, said the Constitution would not allow confiscation beyond the term of life. But the remedy for desertion did not lie in that direction. The evil was caused by the shameful conduct of those who have the oversight of the soldiers, and particularly the officers in Richmond. He proceeded to speak with much severity and bitterness of General Winder's department, and also that of the
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 13 (search)
nsequence of the neglect of an old rule of the Government which required the distribution of these arms in arsenals constructed for the purpose, in the different sections of the country. In the beginning of that year, the accumulation had filled the places of deposit at Springfield, where the newly-adopted improved arms were made. To make room there for the new arms as they were finished, Mr. Floyd ordered the removal of about a hundred and five thousand muskets The chief of ordnance, Colonel Craig, in his report on the subject, states that but sixty thousand of the arms ordered by Mr. Floyd to be sent to the South were actually removed. and ten thousand rifles, to empty Southern arsenals, constructed many years before to receive them, under laws of Congress. These were old-fashioned arms that had been discarded by the Government on account of the recent improvements in small-arms, and the adoption by it of the rifled musket. About four hundred thousand of the old discarded arms
de, and being prepared for any duty, Green's battery went on to Arlington, from which place I recalled it here yesterday, and the brigade now stands complete as before the battle with the exception of casualties herewith enclosed, amounting to Lieut. Craig, of Hunt's battery, killed, and two privates wounded, (one seriously and one slightly,) and one private taken prisoner. With respect to the conduct of the officers under my command, on the 21st, I cannot say too much of the practical and in Platt, Ransom, Thompson, Webb, Barriga, Green, Edwards, Dresser, Wilson, Throckmorton, Cushing, Harris, Butler, Fuller, Lyford, Will, Benjamin, Babbitt, Haines, Ames, Hasbrouck, Kensel, Harrison, Reed, Barlow, Noyes, Kirby, Elderkin, Ramsay, and Craig. The two latter were killed. I am, sir, very respectfully your obedient servant, Wm. F. Barry, Major 5th Artillery. Medical and surgical report. Arlington, Department N. E. Va., July 26, 1861, Being chief of the Medical Staff wit
. The following letters — which I will read to the House — explain clearly the whole transaction, and will remove all ground for panic. First, a letter from Col. Craig, Chief of the Ordnance Bureau, to Dr. Archer, of date the 22d of March, which is as follows:--You will please forward to Richmond the cannon at your foundry whiain Kingsbury, of the Ordnance Department, dated March 28th, and addressed to my friend Mr. A. M. Barbour, a member of the convention, which is in these words:--Col. Craig wishes me to say that Dr. Archer will be directed to-day not to remove the guns at present. The movement has been commenced, in order that the citizens of Virgily occurrence in the business operations of the various bureaus in the several chief departments of the Government. Gentlemen evidently confound the action of Col. Craig and that of the Secretary of War, supposing that the Ordnance Division does no official act without an express order from the Secretary, and this confusion of i
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 18: why I was relieved from command. (search)
It will be observed that while he was reading some very fine novels, his mind did not turn to military novels, of which there were many in the library. He does not speak of ever having read a single work describing the carrying on of war from Alexander down to Napoleon, or even the battles of the Revolution and our war with Great Britain. He got to be a second lieutenant in a company in the Mexican War, and soon after resigned his command and took employment as clerk in the office of Captain Craig, a quartermaster in the army. I am not saying one word of this in any disparagement of General Grant. I am only attempting to show what military education a man may get passing through a course of study at West Point and graduating with such military accomplishments as will entitle him to a command in the regular army, and which, when war occurs, may be the impelling motives of governors of States in appointing such persons as colonels of their finest regiments of volunteer troops.
useless, 796. Committee on Conduct of War sustains Butler regarding occupation of Manassas Junction, 223; examines Butler as to operations in Department of Gulf, 577. Conant, Captain, 480. Concord, N. H., President Pierce's home, 1020. Craig, Captain, Grant in office of, 868. Crimea, medal presented soldiers of, 742; Butler reads history of war, 868. Crispin, Captain, Commandant of U. S. Arsenal, 761. Crosby, Lieutenant, at Fort Hatteras, 284. Currituck, Union Gunboat, 61moirs, 855-857; headquarters in the bottle, 858; relations with Badeau, 857, 859, 860; tribute to Butler, 862; in New York Herald, 863; on West Point in Personal Memoirs, 866-867; indifference to military matters, 867-868; in Mexican War, 868; in Craig's office, 868; reference to, 871; Halleck denounced to, 872; Halleck's report of, 872; McClellan's orders, 873. Grant, Gen. U. S., Halleck's order, 873; thinks Butler hostile to him, 873-874; in Personal Memoirs, 874-875; carries instructions
reduced to a size that scarcely left them a respectable company, while all suffered more or less severely. Lieut.-Col. Quinn, of the Twentieth Illinois, while gallantly urging on his men in the hottest of the fight, was struck by a grapeshot that cut his heart completely out. The mortality among officers was terrible. Major Post, of the Eighth Illinois, Capt. Rigby, acting Major of the Thirty-first Illinois, Lieut.-Col.White, of the same regiment, Lieut.-Col. Smith, of the Forty-eighth; Capt. Craig, company A, and Lieut. Skeats, company F, all of the Eighteenth; Capt. Wilson, company F, Eighth, Capt. Swartout, company H, Eighth Missouri; Capt. Shaw, company B, Lieut. Vore, company E, and Lieut. Boyce, all of the Eleventh Illinois; Adjt. Kirkpatrick, of the Thirtieth, Capt. Mendel, of the Seventh, Capt. Brokeck, of the Forty-ninth Illinois; Lieut. Mausker, of the Eighteenth Illinois; Adjt. Chipman and Capt. Slaymaker, of the Second Iowa, were among those who met their death on this b