rthern merchants toward, 32, 33; vulture quality of, 48; friends of, and Channing's pamphlet, 87,88; J. Q. Adams and, 91; death agony of, began in 1830, 137; and Freedom, nature of contest between, 143; Lincoln and, 143 ff.; and the Constitution, 140 ff., 168 if.; attitude of South toward, 187, 188; horrors of, discovered by Abolitionists, 188; complicity of churches with, 200; Emerson and, 228; history of, review, 253 if.; influence of, North and South, 254.
And see Colonization Society, Crandall, P., Lane Seminary, Lovejoy, E. P.
Slavery in West Indies, abolition of, 244.
Smith, Goldwin, 251.
South Carolina, 23, 137.
Spencer, Herbert, 251.
Sprague, Peleg, quoted, 95, 96; at Faneuil Hall, IiO, III.
Storrs, George, 107, 108.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle Tom's Cabin, 120, 187, 188.
Sturgis, William, 132.
Sumner, Charles, 123, 140.
Sumter, Fort, fired on, 259.
Taney, Roger B., 140.
Tappan, Arthur, 47, 67, 72,106, 107.
Taylor, Zachary, 200, 209, 210, 21I.