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George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 5: return to Strasburg (continued)—Banks's flight to WinchesterBattle of Winchester. (search)
loud calls, added to the sound of my cavalry boots and spurs, as I stalked heavily along the halls in search of his room, to bring him at last to the door of his apartment, where, as his red face beamed above his long flannel night-shirt, he was a spectacle to behold. To advise him of the situation, to represent how uncomfortable his interview with General Stonewall Jackson would be in such apparel, was the work of a moment. Other brigadiergenerals, unattached to any command,--Greene and Crawford,--in night array, had listened to my interview with Williams; but under the circumstances these gentlemen were men of leisure. It was still dark, though near daylight, when I turned from the hotel, and sought my old Winchester quarters, if haply I might seize a few moments' rest,--the first in forty-eight hours. I found the place my aid had selected for a very temporary headquarters, and threw myself upon a bed without removing an article of clothing; but hardly had I touched the blanke
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 6: battle of Winchester (continued)—Federal retreat across the Potomac to Williamsport. (search)
ularly asked as a reward for the military skill and good conduct shown by him at the battle of Winchester on Sunday last, and throughout the retreat from Strasburg to this place. N. P. Banks, M. G. C. John P. Hatch, Brig.-Gen. Cavalry. S. W. Crawford, Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. A. S. Williams, B. G. C. 1st Div. Geo. S. Greene, Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. signed by all the officers of rank who were cognizant of or had participated in the events of the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth of May. This paper, containing most flattering references to my brigade, was the more acceptable, as, without any knowledge whatever of it or its contents on my part, it was presented to me with all the names it now bears, save that of Crawford, which was placed there afterwards. But the feeling among the troops themselves, as indicating their opinion of the part taken by the Second Massachusetts Regiment, is of more worth in my eyes than any praise bestowed upon us by others. The thirty-first of May found
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 7: the Army of Virginia under General PopeBattle of Cedar Mountain. (search)
ce, as we have shown, was Ricketts' division, Crawford's brigade of Banks's corps, and General Bayar this was wise. Therefore on the 8th he sent Crawford with his brigade to support Bayard, and to asn Bayard's line of retreat towards Culpeper. Crawford's brigade then occupied a strong position on cavalry were still in our front, but not far; Crawford's skirmishers were deployed through the woodsnd I believe this line, meaning the one which Crawford's brigade then held, is the best that can be . XII. part II. Reports of Augur, Williams, Crawford, etc. As one approaches Cedar Creek, goinid he not get in with Crawford, or to support Crawford? asked Banks. Why, he was nowhere near Craws; I thought he was just behind the woods, on Crawford's right. Although the consolidated report ; Prince's, 1,435; and Greene's, 457: of General Crawford, who reports as present in the engagement XII. part II; reports of Generals Augur and Crawford. and that this discrepancy has never been exp[4 more...]
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 8: battle of Cedar Mountain (continued). (search)
e woods fronting the wheat-field and opposite Crawford's, which was concealed by the woods on our siemy's batteries in the Culpeper road, had not Crawford persuaded him to increase his force to a brigawford. Before Williams received this order, Crawford himself, in violation of military law and etithe same time he advanced his command towards Crawford's right. Crawford's appeal to Banks was answed from my brigade and placed on the right of Crawford's line. As Crawford's brigade will now claCrawford's brigade will now claim our closest attention, we will cross over to the other side and look again upon our enemy's line unaccountable reason had been dropped out of Crawford's line when the regiments of his brigade advaen described. Then were seen the remnants of Crawford's brigade coming back to their right, leaving to throw forward my whole command to support Crawford. General Williams with his staff was on theial Reports of Generals Williams, p. 145, and Crawford, p. 149. But there was, however, one reli[20 more...]
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 9: battle of Cedar Mountain (continued). (search)
d and dying. All who could be recovered from Crawford's brigade, as well as all from mine, were hernumbers in his front precipitated Geary's and Crawford's brigades, and six companies of my Third Wishought of turning our right, it was not while Crawford and Banks were peering through the woods and ot have crossed that wheat-field and attacked Crawford without exposing his flank and rear to an atte, on the northern side of Cedar Creek (where Crawford was the evening before, when we were sent out to establish ourselves at Crawford's position), would have been Banks's true movement to repel such an afterthought. Now every one but Banks and Crawford knows that the enemy made at this time (five sy here: the weak and unhappy conference with Crawford is marked with blunders, which would be comedhe advanced his troops until the regiments of Crawford's brigade, when repulsed, were at least one me a desperate attack upon our right, and that Crawford was thrown forward to repel it, is to pervert[4 more...]
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 10: General Banks's orders and responsibility. (search)
position where the night before I had posted Crawford's brigade, that I should show to Banks positind I believe this line [meaning the one which Crawford's brigade then held] is the best that can be emy's batteries opening from new positions on Crawford's artillery. I had been directed by General e instructions given to him on the 9th. That Crawford, who says he was to resist the approach of thou with the order to move forward and support Crawford. I know it; and I was ready, and moved insnder, gave me the order to move my brigade to Crawford's support. General Williams knows and acknowr force than was assailed by the regiments of Crawford's brigade; that some hundreds of yards before ordered up in time, to dash ourselves, with Crawford's brigade, uselessly against those of Winder'ams's aid, who brought me an order to move to Crawford's support on the 9th of August, 1862. It canlag. This accident, however, gave success to Crawford's efforts for a brigadier-general's appointme[13 more...]
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, chapter 15 (search)
ompiled from nominal lists of Casualties, returns, etc. Command.Killed.Wounded.Captured or Missing.Aggregate.Remarks. Officers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men. General Escort: 1st Ohio cavalry, companies A and C.22 Second Army Corps, Maj.-Gen. N. P. Banks. Escort: 1st Mich. cav. (detachment)4239 6th N. Y. cav. (detachment)11 1st W. Va. cav. (detachment)336 Total escort55616 First Division Brig.-Gen. A. S. Williams. Staf11 First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. S. W. Crawford. 5th Connecticut3188632143237 10th Maine222614013173 28th New York12067310103213 46th Pennsylvania3288947104244 Total First Brigade9882737020353867 Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. George H. Gordon. 2d Massachusetts535687337173 Zouaves d'afrique (Collis Co.)231713 27th Indiana1141281650 3d Wisconsin116462124108 Total Third Brigade76711180673344 Total First Division1615538550274261212 Second Division, (1) Brig.-Gen. C. C. Augur, (wounded.) (2) Brig.-Gen. Henry Prince, (captu<
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Index (search)
terwards Major, on General Banks's staff, 170. His communication to the Boston Advertiser after the battle of Winchester, 255,--and subsequent suspension therefor from the service, 256 (and note). His second appearance in the Boston Advertiser, blaming the War Department, and his final dismissal from the service by the President, 266, 267 (and note). Courtenay, Colonel, commander of Rebel battery under Stonewall Jackson, 199, 235. Crane, Major, 121. Killed at Cedar Mountain, 305. Crawford, S. W., Brigadier-general under Banks, 226, 258, 281-283, 289, 291, 294. In the battle of Cedar Mountain, 305. What his orders from Pope were, and their bearing on the question of Banks's responsibility, 351. Crosby, Lieutenant, 230. Crowninshield, Lieutenant, wounded at the battle of Winchester, 241 (note.) Currency, Federal and Confederate, comparative value of, 166, 167. Curtis, Greely S., first to apply for a commission in the Second Mass. Regiment, 4; holds a captaincy