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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 7: the Peninsula Campaign. (search)
g pull, and a pull altogether --out she came. Another gentleman-he who had resigned when all trunks were sent to the rear from Manassas-having gotten at the company wagon this day, just before it was abandoned, had on a beautiful new suit of Crenshaw gray, and, thus arrayed, was making a perilous passage out in the woods parallel to the road, dodging behind the big pine trees and springing from tussock to tussock of swamp grass and bushes. The boys had been watching him for some time, but hn and shove with the rest! Poor Jim! He lifted his foot and stamped it down in vexation on the wet bark, which parted and slipped from the smooth, slick bole of the tree, and down came Jim, with a great splash like the mules, hide and hair and Crenshaw gray, all into and under the mud. I don't think I ever heard such a shout as greeted this knight of the sorrowful figure as he emerged, from his thighs up, the liquid mud dripping from every part of the upper half of his person. But it cured hi