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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 21, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 5, 1864., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 6: hospital work. (search)
ldiers. If you have any tracts, do send them, for I assure you that there never was a time nor a place where such things were more needed than here. I have been preaching and holding prayer-meetings whenever an opportunity presented itself. Rev. J. B. Taylor, Jr., Winchester: This morning I went through one hospital to the couch of every man. They thankfully received my tracts and words of sympathy and advice; some calling out to me, before I reached them, to bring them a tract. Rev. H. G. Crews writes, from Winchester: A young man in the hospital, upon being asked if he was a Christian, replied: I have been one, but have gone astray. I urged him to repent of his backsliding and to return unto God. He seemed deeply moved, and, with moistened eyes, asked that I would visit him again. All the sick seem comforted by having religious conversation; many who make no pretensions to piety listen with solemn attention. A lieutenant desired to be supplied with tracts, that he might d
onthly meeting of the Colportage Society, located in this city, last Tuesday evening, ten colporteurs were appointed to labor among the soldiers. Rev. James B. Taylor, D. D., was appointed to labor in the hospitals in and around this city, in connection with Rev. Ro. Ryland, D. D., who has for some time been engaged in the work here; Rev. R. R. Overby, to the soldiers encamped between Petersburg and Norfolk; Mr. W. T. Yarbrough, to the hospitals in Charlottesville; Rev. Geo. W. Given, to Manassas; Mr. Henry Madison, to Ashby's Cavalry; Rev. T. W. Roberts, to Lynchburg; Rev. Mr. Taylor, (formerly Chaplain in Hampton's Legion,) to spend a few months in Col. Gilham's regiment; Rev. H. G. Crews, to the hospitals between Winchester and Romney; Rev. Mr. Runyon, to Hampton's Legion; and Rev. Mr. Robertson, to the Alabama hospitals in this city. During the month the receipts of the Society amounted to $6,750. This work is fast gaining influence and power among all classes of the community.
Middle District Association. --This body, composing twenty-five Baptist Churches in Chesterfield, Powhatan and Amelia, is now holding its annual session at Branch's Baptist Church, five miles from Manchester.--William Winfree, Esq., is moderator, and Rev. H. G. Crews, clerk. Rev. J. J. D. Renfroe preached the introductory sermon. Rev. Mr. Dickinson spoke in behalf of the orphans of deceased soldiers, and raised a large sum--Mr. W. B. Chalkley headed the amount with a donation of $500. Two per sons agreed to adopt each an orphan and provide for its maintenance and education. The meeting is a very pleasant one and is largely attended. To day several interesting subjects will be discussed.