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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 1: the political Conventions in 1860. (search)
te Street, between Calvert and North Streets, which has since been demolished, and its place occupied by the United States Courthouse. Its interior was well decorated with National emblems. Back of the president's chair was a full-length portrait of Washington, with large American flags, over which hovered an eagle; and the galleries, which were crowded with spectators, were festooned with numerous Union banners. The first Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, in 1860. The venerable John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, Chairman of the National Constitutional Union Committee called the Convention to order, and on his nomination, Washington Hunt, once Governor of the State of New York, and distinguished for talent, culture, and great urbanity of manner, was chosen temporary president of the Convention. Credentials of delegates were called for, when it was found that almost one-third of all the States were unrepresented. The States not represented were California, Florida, Iowa, Louisi
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 3: assembling of Congress.--the President's Message. (search)
sage, 73. disappointment of the people, 74. movements of the Clergy warnings of General Scott, 75. General Wool's letter to General Cass, 76. resignation of Cass Fast day proclaimed, 77. Clingman's treasonable speech in the Senate, 78. Crittenden's rebuke Hale's defiance, and the anger of the conspirators, 79. Iverson's treasonable speech in the Senate, 80. speeches of Senators Davis and Wigfall, 81. Cotton proclaimed King, 82. the Cotton kingdom, 83. Wigfall's insolent harangue, ngly of costly sacrifices made for the establishment of the Union; of its blessings and promises; and hoped that there was not a Senator present who was not willing to yield and compromise much for the sake of the Government and the Union. Mr. Crittenden's mild rebuke, and earnest appeal to the patriotism of the Senate, was met by more scornful and violent harangues from other Senators, in which the speakers seemed to emulate each other in the utterance of seditious sentiments. Clingman, mor
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 4: seditious movements in Congress.--Secession in South Carolina, and its effects. (search)
ts of the National Constitution or otherwise, for its pacification. This Committee consisted of L. W. Powell and John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky; William H. Seward, of New York; J. Collamer, of Vermont; William Bigler, of Pennsylvania; R. M. T. Humes, of Iowa., The Committee; was composed of eight Democrats and five Republicans. On the same day, the. venerable John J. Crittenden offered to the Senate a series of amendments of the Constitution, and Joint Resolutions, for the protection of Slave no power to abolish Slavery in the District of Columbia, so long as it should exist in the adjoining States of John Jay Crittenden. Maryland and Virginia, nor without the consent of the inhabitants thereof, nor without just compensation madtates where it existed by law, or might hereafter be allowed. In addition to these amendments of the Constitution, Mr. Crittenden offered four resolutions, declaring substantially as follows:--1. That the Fugitive Slave Act was constitutional, an
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 7: Secession Conventions in six States. (search)
settled conservatives here, telegraphed December 26. a number of citizens of Atlanta, William Ezzard, Robert W. Sims, James P. Hambleton, Thomas S. Powell, S. G. Howell, J. A. Hayden, G. W. Adair, and R. C. Honlester. to Messrs. Douglas and Crittenden. Is there any hope for Southern rights in the Union? they inquired. We are for the Union of our fathers, they said, if Southern rights can be preserved in it. If not, we are for secession. Can we yet hope the Union will be preserved on this principle? You are looked to in this emergency. Give us your views by dispatch. We have hopes, said Douglas and Crittenden, in reply, December 29. that the rights of the South, and of every State and section, may be protected within the Union. Don't give up the ship. Don't despair of the Union. To counteract this assurance, Toombs and others sent numerous sensation dispatches to Georgia. On the first of January, 1861. the day before the election was to be held, Toombs telegraphed t
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 8: attitude of the Border Slave-labor States, and of the Free-labor States. (search)
Further than this the legislative branch of the State Government refused to go at that time, and the people, determined to avoid war if possible, kept steadily on in their usual pursuits. They heard the howling of the tempest without, but heeded not its turmoil for a time; and they were but little startled by the thunderbolt cast in their midst to alarm them, by Senator Clingman, when, at the middle of February, February 13, 1861. he telegraphed from Washington:--There is no chance for Crittenden's proposition. North Carolina must secede, or aid Lincoln in making war on the South. McPherson's Political History of the United States during the Rebellion, page 41. Finally, by pressure from without, and especially by the machinations of traitors nestled in her own bosom, the State was placed in an attitude of open rebellion. The people of Tennessee, the daughter of North Carolina, like those of the parent State, loved the Union supremely; but their Governor, Isham G. Harris, was
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 9: proceedings in Congress.--departure of conspirators. (search)
ommittee of thirty — three, 222. Debates on Crittenden's propositions Toombs declares himself a repeople, no doubt, would have acquiesced in Mr. Crittenden's propositions. See the substance of th vital of the amendments of it proposed by Mr. Crittenden. They did not doubt his patriotism, yet t, 1861. two resolutions as an amendment to Mr. Crittenden's propositions. The first declared that t proposition, Senator Clark's substitute for Crittenden's plan. Another, by Messrs. Burch and Stoutate a proposition, substantially the same as Crittenden's, as the ultimatum of the South; and Henry Senate on the 7th of January, 1861. when Mr. Crittenden called up a resolution which he had offerenew doctrine. Senator Toombs followed Senator Crittenden. His speech was characteristic of the molitical fossils [referring to the venerable Crittenden] raise the cry of the glorious Union? Too -- ayes.--Messrs. Bayard, Bright, Bigler, Crittenden, Douglas, Gwin, Hunter, Johnson of Tennessee[6 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 10: Peace movements.--Convention of conspirators at Montgomery. (search)
Seddon's resolution were Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, and Virginia. James B. Clay then offered as a substitute Mr. Crittenden's Compromise plan, pure and undefiled, without the crossing of a 't' or the dotting of an i. It was rejected by a vidge, who laid the matter before the Senate. March 2, 1861. It was referred to a Committee of Five, consisting of Senators Crittenden, Bigler, Thomson, Seward, and Trumbull, with instructions to report the next day. Mr. Crittenden reported the propMr. Crittenden reported the propositions of the Convention, when Mr. Seward, for himself and Mr. Trumbull, presented as a substitute a joint resolution, that whereas the Legislatures of the States of Kentucky, New Jersey, and Illinois had applied to Congress to call a convention of- I. Throw off the old and assume a new designation — the Union Party; adopt the conciliatory measures proposed by Mr. Crittenden, or the Peace Convention, and, my life upon it, we shall have no new case of secession; but, on the contrary, an earl
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 14: the great Uprising of the people. (search)
es of the great and influential State of Kentucky, Kentucky was largely represented, at that time, by men prominent in public life. It was the native State of President Lincoln; Jefferson Davis; the late Vice-President Breckenridge; Senator John J. Crittenden; James Guthrie, Chairman of the committee on resolutions in the. Peace Convention at Washington; Major Anderson; Joseph Holt, late Secretary of War; General Harney, and several others of less note. and, indeed, of the great Valley of thon set at rest by the old hero himself. Senator Crittenden, at his home in Kentucky, anxiously inquired of him whether there was any truth in the story, and instantly received the following dispatch:-- Washington, April 20, 1861. Hon. J. J. Crittenden:--I have not resigned. I have not thought of resigning. Always a Union man. Winfield Scott. Commenting on this answer, a Virginia newspaper, differing from its confrere, the Picayune, in its estimate of Scott's character, said, aft
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 19: events in the Mississippi Valley.--the Indians. (search)
of the State was cast, the Unionists had a majority of over fifty thousand. They elected nine representatives, and the secessionists only one. That one was Henry C. Burnet, who afterward joined the Confederates. The Border State Convention was proposed by Virginians, and was held at Frankfort, Kentucky, on the 27th of May. It was a failure. There were no delegates present from Virginia, and only five beside those of Kentucky. Four of these were from Missouri and one from Tennessee. John J. Crittenden presided. The convention was as neutral as possible. It very properly deprecated civil war as. terrible and ruinous to every interest, and exhorted the people to hold fast to that sheet-anchor of republican liberty, the right of the majority, whose will has been constitutionally expressed, to govern. The wrongs of the South, and the sectionalism of the North, were spoken of as chief causes of the trouble at hand; but while it condemned the rebellion, it failed to exhort the loyal pe
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 20: commencement of civil War. (search)
ere arranged in two columns, commanded respectively by Colonels Kelley, of Virginia, and E. Dumont, of Indiana. Kelley's column was composed of his own regiment (the first Virginia), the Ninth Indiana, Colonel Milroy, and a portion of the Sixteenth Ohio, under Colonel Irwin. Dumont's column consisted of eight companies of his own regiment (the Seventh Indiana) ; four companies of the Fourteenth Ohio, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Steedman; four companies of the Sixth Indiana, under Colonel Crittenden, and a detachment of Burnet's Ohio Artillery, under Lieutenant-Colonel Sturgis. Dumont's column was accompanied by the gallant Colonel F. W. Lander, who was then a Volunteer aid on General McClellan's staff, and represented him. the two columns were to March upon Philippi by converging routes. Both left Grafton on the afternoon of the 2d; Kelley's for Thornton, a few miles eastward, and Dumont's for Webster, a few miles westward. Kelley was to strike the Beverly road above Philip