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n the woods in front of our position, by no means reassured our disheartened forces. At 10 o'clock at night a council of war was held, of which Forrest, Jackson, Crosby and Van-Dorn were members, and the plan of escape adopted. In the morning our troops were ordered to make an unusual noise and keep up a cheering, while buglers e creek one would have thought that they were crossing a turnpike instead of a rapid stream, so hastily did they effect it. As 10 o'clock, A. M., this brigade and Crosby's, which had been upon our left, were withdrawn through the woods, so as to avoid being seen by the Yankee look-outs, leaving their usual out-posts behind, and storrest's command were upon another road running parallel with it, and Armstrong brought up the rear, with Van Dorn and staff and escort immediately in the rear of Crosby, so as to be in a position to direct movements either in front or rear in case the enemy attempted to intercept us. Everything was now under way, the artillery an