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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 14, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Your search returned 13 results in 7 document sections:

Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
ooper, Mark Wilkerson, Corporal J. L. Guinn, Private John D. Bradley, George Caldwell, J. M. Dake, J. M. Harvey, Wm. Hellen, J. W. Killingsworth, R. O. Maddox, J. M. Morris, Private Robert McEwen, Isham Walker, Taylor Walker, Robert English, James C. Garrett, Wm. R. Hopkins, J. D. Malone, James N. Marshall, A. P. Meadows, L. T. Meador, John Sheppard, Micajah Stone, Franklin Sherrill, J. A. Walder, Wm. H. Wicks. Co. D. Mus'n Chas. Tate, Private John Crowder, Private W. R. Grant, J. I. Rush. Co. E. Sergeant H. A. Burgoyne, J. F. Gilham, Private M. Gilday, M. Kinnard, Sergeant W. C. Dimmock, Corporal W. Bradley, Private W. J. Bennett, H. H. Butler, T. J. Cheshire, J. R. Driscole, W. J. Fox, A. Holman, Private R. B. Livingston, D. B. Knight, R. F. Putnam, C. R. Perkins, W. I. Slaughter, J. A. I. Sims, G. F. Wills, I. P. Labby. Co. F. Sergeant H. C. Briggs, Isaac W. Halland, J. Pendleton Rogers, Jos. T. Skill
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.26 (search)
861-1865. The southern tablet records the names of the States of the Confederacy, and underneath the words: Erected by the Petersburg Ladies' Memorial Association. The east tablet has the inscription: The Crater. July 30, 1864. On the western tablet are the names of the city's soldiers who fell in the battles of the 9th and 16th of June, 1864, while attempting to repel the advance of the enemy on the city. June 9th. George B. Jones, Dr. Wm. Bellingham, John E. Friend, John Crowder, Wayles hurt, Henry A. Blanks, William C. Banister, George R. Conway, W. H. Hardee, Guy G. Johnson, William Daniel, E. P. Brown, Godfrey Stanbley. June 16th. Wm. A. Johnston, Nathan Hoag, F. T. Scott, R. A. Spiers. On the capstone appear the words: Gloria Victis. On the second base in bold relief are these words: Confederate dead. On the third or upper base is this inscription: Plant the fair column on the vacant grave. A hero's honors let a her
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.32 (search)
ded; dead. Orral Anderson. Melvin Anderson, killed. James Adams, dead. James Bussey. John Bussey, killed. Fleming Burk, killed. John G. Burk. Edward Ball. James Ball. C. C. Baker. James Boyd. R. C. Boyd. Wesley Barker, dead Habe. Bickley, dead. John Buckles, dead. Isaac Boyd, dead. Charles Breadlore, dead. William Breadlore. Joseph Bausell, dead. John Belther, killed. George Bays, dead. James Bays, dead. Fitze. Coman, dead. John Crowder, dead. William Campbell, wounded; dead. William Culberson, killed. William P. Cooper, wounded. Nathan Cooper, wounded. John Counts, dead. Luther H. Clapp. Fullen Dickenson. John Duff. James Duff. Reese B. Duff, dead. O. C. Duff. Samuel Duff. Thomas Dougherty, killed. J. B. Davis, wounded. E. D. K. Davis. William Davenport. John Dickenson, wounded. Nathan Easterly, killed. Soloman Engle, dead. Jesse Elliot, dead. Jackson Farmer, dead
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Parole list of Engineer troops, Army of Northern Virginia, surrendered at Appomattox C. H., April 9th, 1865. (search)
er, James S. Slaughter, James Meighan, George E. Pegram, H. B. Gwinn, James Cooper, Mark Wilkinson. Corporal—J. L. Guinn. Privates—John D. Bradley, George Caldwell, J. M. Duke, J. M. Harvey, William Hellen, J. A. Hillingsworth, R. O. Maddox, J. M. Morris, Robert McEwen, Isham Walker, Taylor Walker, Franklin Sherrill. Company D. H. C. Derrick, Captain. J. M. Beckham, Second Lieutenant. Sergeants—R. A. Boyd, W. H. Jordan, H. C. Beckham. Corporal—C. E. Scherer. Privates—John Crowder, W. R. Grant, J. S. Rush. Musician—Charles Tate. Note.—R. M. Sully, first lieutenant, detached and paroled at Greensboro, N. C. Company E. P. G. Scott, Lieutenant. Sergeants—H. A. Burgoyne, J. F. Gilham, W. C. Dimmock. Corporal—W. Bradley. Privates—J. W. Bennett, H. D. Butler, T. J. Cheshire, J. R. Driscoll, W. F. Fox, Augustus Holman, M. Gilday, M. Kinnard, R. B. Livingston, O. B. Knight, R. T. Putnam, C. R. Perkins, W. J. Slaughter, G. A. J. Sims, G. F.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Altars and firesides. (search)
Altars and firesides. Adjutant C. Guy Johnson, Lieutenant Wales Hurt, Wm. C. Bannister, George B. Jones, John E. Friend, W. H. Hardie, Henry A. Blanks, John Crowder, J. W. Bellingham, Godfrey Staubly, William Daniel, George R. Conway, W. F. Johnson, E. P. Brown.
sor of French in the Petersburg Female College, formerly of Randolph Macon. Lt. Wales Hurt, aged 18, a son of the late Branch T. Hurt, and a gallant youth. John E. Friend, oldest son of our late Postmaster, Wm. N. Friend, Esq. Deceased leaves a wife and one child. Wm. C. Bannister, for many years and accountant in the Exchange Bank, and one of our best citizens. He leaves a large family. Geo. B. Jones, a prominent druggist of Petersburg, and a most excellent man. John Crowder, of this city, a noble youth. George R. Conway, of Prince George. Wm. Daniels, of Prince George, a youth. He was killed by a bayonet thrust through the breast, and his head was severely mutilated with the butt of a musket. E. P. Brown, of Sturdivant's battery, from Albemarle. Wounded. Henry A. Blanks, of this city, seriously in body and arm. Dr. Wm. Bellingham, of Petersburg, a prominent dentist, severely in side. Wm. Howard, a clerk at the bookstore of
e over which they came, through Caroline county. This is the latest information we have of the movements of Sheridan, who to have suddenly adopted the "doublequick." We are peculiarly gratified to record this evidence of the gallantry of our cavalry. Affairs in Petersburg. There were seven funerals in Petersburg, Saturday and Sunday, of the gallant dead who fell in the local defence. Among the deaths not before announced, are those of Wm. II. Hardee, a prominent merchant, and John Crowder, a young man, whose father is believed to be a prisoner. The brother of the young man — Wm. Crowder — was killed in the fight, and John was thought to be a prisoner, but his dead body was found with in the fortifications. Brig. Gen. Wise has issued an address to the soldiers and citizens who participated in the fight, in which he highly Compliments the militia and says that "Beauregard himself has thanked Archer and his comrades on the very spot of their devotion." Gen. Wise says "a peo