Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises. You can also browse the collection for Rotten row (United Kingdom) or search for Rotten row (United Kingdom) in all documents.

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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises, I. Carlyle's laugh (search)
he said, for the men who had stood by you. I could scarcely convince my senses that this manly and reasonable critic was the terrible Carlyle, the hater of Cuffee and Quashee and of all republican government. If at times a trace of angry exaggeration showed itself, the good, sunny laugh came in and cleared the air. We walked beneath the lovely trees of Kensington Gardens, then in the glory of an English May; and I had my first sight of the endless procession of riders and equipages in Rotten Row. My two companions received numerous greetings, and as I walked in safe obscurity by their side, I could cast sly glances of keen enjoyment at the odd combination visible in their looks. Froude's fine face and bearing became familiar afterwards to Americans, and he was irreproachably dressed; while probably no salutation was ever bestowed from an elegant passing carriage on an odder figure than Carlyle. Tall, very thin, and slightly stooping; with unkempt, grizzly whiskers pushed up by