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Miss Mary Wier was his housekeeper for years. The town is indebted to him for the shade trees on Forest street. On the opposite corner of Forest street were Timothy Cotting's house and bakery. There was a driveway around the house from Forest to Salem street. The entrance to the house was on Salem street. The bakery, having an entrance on Forest street, was connected with the dwelling. Where Cotting Block Nos. 8 to 14 Salem street (1902). stands was a low tenement house called Rotten Row. It was occupied by the families of Joseph Gleason, Timothy Brigden, Stilman Derby and the widow of Henry Withington, Sr. On the site of the Mystic Church was a large house in which lived Wm. S. Barker, grocer; the house was removed to Salem street, opposite the common, and is now owned by heirs of S. Derby. The Withington Bakery as it stands today was bought by Henry Withington, Jr., who moved into the house in the spring of 1829. He lived just previously in the Kidder House, directl