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thened and widened to present enduring form. Behind the iron fencing of the parkway is the Cradock dam which holds back the incoming tides; and the four of lower height which hold the upper river at a level with the lower Mystic lake. The recent removal of the Bigelow-Porter buildings (seen closely at left of church tower), remind us that the entire left half of the view has been of recent erection; as also both church spires and the refitting of the lower stories of the other half. The Rotten row of sixty years ago became Doctors' row, and that also has met its changes and now gleams in the view in modern stucco. Eight years have elapsed since the destruction of the city hall and three other buildings made this view possible. In the preceding year the Weymouth (Tufts hall) building, a three-story building and the old Seccomb house were torn down and the so-called Medford building erected. In former days Medford square had its skyscrapers of three and four stories, but the mode