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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 5 (search)
d ears in love with him myself. April 29, Saturday Visitors all day, in shoals and swarms. Capt. Irwin brought Judge Crump of Richmond, to stay at our house. He is an ugly old fellow, with a big nose, but perfectly delightful in conversatio Mr. Reagan and Mr. Mallory are also in town, and Gen. Toombs has returned, having encountered danger ahead, I fear. Judge Crump is back too, with his Confederate treasury, containing, it is said, three hundred thousand dollars in specie. He is erret it out. They have already begun their reign of terror in Richmond, by arresting many of the prominent citizens. Judge Crump is in a state of distraction about his poor little wandering exchequer, which seems to stand an even chance between thegradation to which it is reduced — they grow pathetic over that. We have a charming circle of friends round us now. Judge Crump, especially, is one of the most entertaining men I ever knew. He has traveled a great deal and I was very much intere
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, V. In the dust and ashes of defeat (may 6-June 1, 1865). (search)
to laugh at our miserable little jokes, and told some good stories of his own, but they fell flat, like the captain's. Judge Crump tried to talk of literature and art, but conversation flagged and always returned to the same miserable theme. Gen. Eet transportation to Norfolk by way of Savannah, decided last night that he would start for Virginia this morning with Judge Crump. He has no money to pay his way with, but like thousands of other poor Confederates, depends on his war horse to carry him through, and on Southern hospitality to feed and lodge him. He left his trunk, and Judge Crump his official papers, in father's care. Mother packed up a large quantity of provisions for them, and father gave them letters to friends of his allway, so it doesn't matter. We have had an unusually quiet day. Only three new guests, and two of them were sent by Judge Crump to see father on business. They brought news of the Judge and our dear Captain which we were glad to hear. I walked
re in regard to the ultimate object of the expedition. Suffice it to know that General Blunt had information that a brigade of Texas cavalry, under command of Colonel Crump, was encamped at Dripping Springs, eight miles north of Van Buren, and that he wished to capture them or break up their camp. He was also informed that largeobably reach Van Buren about the time he calculated we would get there. If we could capture and destroy those supplies and steamboats, and capture or break up Colonel Crump's camp it would of course cripple the rebel army in Arkansas to a very great extent,besides it would add to its demoralization, which was already great since tmeantime Gen. Blunt, who had kept up with us, sent back an order for the artillery and infantry to move forward with a quick ,step. The enemy, under command of Col. Crump, of a Texas cavalry regiment, were encamped along the north side of a hill, and immediately north of their camp were several fields with intermediate spaces cov
nced in General orders, no. 17, of this date, headquarters Army of the West, at Memphis, Tenn. artillery Brigade. composition not stated. Col. M. L. Clark. McCown's Division. Maj. Gen. J. P. Mccown. First Brigade.Second Brigade. Brig. Gen. J. L. Hogg.Brig. Gen. T. J. Churchill. McCray's (Arkansas) battalion. 1st Arkansas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Harper. ----Texas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Locke. 2d Arkansas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Embry. ----Texas Cavalry, Colonel Crump. 4th Arkansas, Colonel McNair. ----Texas Cavalry, Colonel Young. Turnbull's (Arkansas) battalion. Good's battery.Provence's battery. Third Brigade. Commander not indicated. 14th Texas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Johnson. 15th Texas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Sweet. 16th Texas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Fitzhugh. 17th Texas Cavalry, Dismounted. Colonel Moore. Battery. Circular.]headquarters Army of the Mississippi, Corinth, Miss., April 29, 1862. The co
batement in the city excitement, and every now and then a shout from citizens and soldiers falls on the ear. Preparations are making by some to send their sick families up the road. No fears are entertained of the enemy's success. two O'clock.--Mr. Myers has arrived; he left the yard at eleven o'clock. The steamer Time, it is thought, is not much injured, but under range of the enemy's big guns. Her loss just now is unbearable; steam power in the bay is quite limited. Capts. Lanier and Crump have all their teams strung out, and communication with the lines will be kept up by wagon trains. The Colorado and Niagara are still thundering away at the Barrancas and Fort McRae. five O'clock.--Another gentleman from just below says that it was reported among the outer camps that the wife of a sergeant-major had been killed in the yard. A despatch says our guns and batteries have suffered no injury. The firing is still heavy on both sides. The frigates have changed their pos
eral Jackson's advance guard had reached the neighborhood of Ashland, a company of the Eighth Illinois cavalry drove in my videttes from the point where the Ashcake road crossed the Telegraph road. I ordered Lieutenant Smith, of the Black Horse cavalry, Fourth Virginia, with seventeen men, to drive the enemy back. He charged at once, and the enemy fled, leaving two horses dead on the road, carrying off one man killed and one wounded in the charge. Lieutenant Smith had two men wounded, private Crump, arm broken, and private Robertson, wounded slightly. The telegraph wire, which had been cut, was immediately restored. Thursday, twenty-sixth ultimo, moved with the cavalry brigade to the neighborhood of Pale Green Church, and bivouacked. Friday, twenty-seventh ultimo, the brigade moved toward Old Church. By command of the General, I sent forward, to clear the road, company F, (Georgia Huzzars, Captain Waring,) of the legion. The pickets of the enemy were discovered at a point tw
nes, and private J. D. Barton, of this regiment, were greatly distinguished for their courage. Private J. B. Stinson, of same regiment, acting as courier to General Anderson, was wounded in three places at Sharpsburg, and there, as on every other battlefield, behaved most nobly. Colonel Bennet, of the Fourteenth North Carolina, commends Captains Jones, Freeman, Bell, Debun, and Weir, Lieutenants Liles, Mitchell, Harney, Shankle, Bevers, Threadgill, Meachem, Sergeants Jenkins, McLester, Corporal Crump, privates McGregor, Beasley, Odell, and Morgan. The Second North Carolina, after the death of the gallant and accomplished Tew, was commanded by Captain Roberts, since resigned. The Thirtieth North Carolina, after the fall of its gallant Colonel, was commanded by Major Sillers, a brave and meritorious officer. I much regret that the officers of these two regiments have declined to present the names of those specially distinguished for coolness and courage. The Thirteenth North Caro
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Confederate treasure-statement of Paymaster John F. Wheless. (search)
consisting only of the midshipmen and officers formerly of the Confederate States steamer Patrick Henry. During the few days we remained in Augusta, I invited Judge Crump (the acting or assistant treasurer) and Captain Parker to dine with me at the Planter's hotel, and urged upon them the danger that would be incurred by remaininose command consisted of about three brigades of cavalry, and moved that night about 12 o'clock towards Washington, Georgia. I had for several days been urging Judge Crump to allow me to draw a few thousand dollars in gold to pay off the escort, they having faithfully discharged that duty for over a month. He was unwilling to assas the acting Secretary of the Treasury, with the full power of the head of that department. I was personally acquainted with Colonel William Preston Johnston, Judge Crump, and Paymaster Semple, all of whom I met in the parlor. Colonel J. Taylor Wood, to whom Captain Parker had given me a letter, was also there. I requested the
present for duty as follows: Smith's dvision, consisting of the brigades of Whiting, Hood, Hampton, Hatton, and Pettigrew10,592 Longstreet's division, consisting of the brigades of A. P. Hill, Pickett, R. H. Anderson, Wilson, Colston, and Pryor13,816 Magruder's division, consisting of the brigades of McLaws, Kershaw, Griffith, Cobb, Toombs, and D. R. Jones15,680 D. H. Hill's division, consisting of the brigades of Early, Rodes, Raines, Featherston, and the commands of Colonels Ward and Crump11,151 Cavalry brigade1,289 Reserve artillery1,160 —— Total effective men53,688 statement of the strength of the army commanded by General R. E. Lee on July 20, 1862 Department of Northern Virginia and North CAROLINApresent for duty OfficersEnlisted Men Department of North Carolina72211,509 Longstreet's division5577,929 D. H . Hill's division5508,998 McLaws's division5147,188 A. P. Hill's division51910,104 Anderson's division3575,760 D. R. Jones's division2133,500 Whiting'
eral, Samuel, 506. Corcoran, James, 201. Corinth, Miss., Gen. Halleck's advance, 58-59. Battle, 328-29. Corypheus (ship), 197. Cotton, measures taken by U. S. Congress to confiscate, 289-93. Couch, General, 309. Courtney, General, 93. Cox, General, 270, 539. Crater, Battle of the, 546. Crittenden, Gen. George B., 17-19, 30, 31, 35, 37, 57, 361. Account of battle of Fishing Creek, 16-17. Crook, General, 444, 447, 449, 450, 451, 453. Cross Keys, Battle of, 93-94. Crump, Colonel, 131. Cullen, Dr., 77. Cumberland (frigate), 164, 165, 168, 171. Sunk, 166. Cumberland Gap, Tenn.-Ky., surrender, 357. Curtin, Governor A. G., 89. Curtis, General, 39, 40, 59. Custer, General, 423, 426. D Dahlgren, Colonel, 174, 423. Raid on Richmond, 424-25. Death, 425-26. Daily Post (Houston, Texas), account of Sabine Pass, 200-01. Davies, General, 424. Davis (member of Confederate cabinet), 585. General, 39. Garrett, 142, 622. General J. R., 436. Jefferson, 3