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The Daily Dispatch: March 11, 1863., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 11, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Peter Cullen or search for Peter Cullen in all documents.

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asury note from John W. Davics, her employer, found guilty, and ordered 25 lashes. Wm. H. Murphy was examined on the charge of feloniously conspiring with Peter Cullen to defraud Ezekiel White out of $1,200, by representing to White that he was Capt. Morris, of the Confederate States army, and had full authority to receive said Cullen as a substitute in lien of Jno. W. White. It appeared that Murphy under the name of Morris, got White's money, mustered Cullen into an imaginary company, gave a discharge to John W. White, and then, with his "pal" Callen, proceeded to divide the money obtained by the transaction — He was committed for final trial beforeCullen into an imaginary company, gave a discharge to John W. White, and then, with his "pal" Callen, proceeded to divide the money obtained by the transaction — He was committed for final trial before Judge Lyons, and refused bail. Were all the cases of the above nature reported the people would be astonished at the amount of rascality practised by the so-called substitute agents and begun Confederate army captain