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ts that ever beat. Puller, Harris, and Pelham were among the number — the gallant Pelham of the battle of Fredericksburg. He was in the performance of his duty as Chief of Artillery, and was riding towards his General, when a regiment of cavalry swept by him in a charge. He was waving his hat aloft, and cheering them on, when a fragment of shell struck him on the head, mortally wounding him. He lingered until after midnight on the morning of the 18th, when General Stuart telegraphed to Mr. Curry, of Alabama: The noble, the chivalric, the gallant Pelham is no more. He was killed in action yesterday. His remains will be sent to you to-day. How much he was beloved, appreciated, and admired, let the tears of agony we have shed, and the gloom of mourning throughout my command, bear witness. His loss is irreparable. The body of the young officer was sent to Richmond, laid in state in the Capitol of Virginia, and we are told that some tender hand deposited an evergreen wre
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXII. January, 1863 (search)
e procured as an offset to British India. He says the French Consuls in Texas are endeavoring to detach Texas from the Confederacy. If this be a genuine correspondence, it will injure the South; if it be false (if the allegations be false), it will still injure us. I have no doubt of its genuineness; and that Mr. Sanders, once the correspondent of the New York Tribune, was the bearer. If Texas leaves us, so may Louisiana-and the gigantic Houmas speculation may turn out well at last. Mr. Curry has brought forward a copyright bill; Mr. Foster, of Alabama, has introduced a bill to abolish the passport systemleaving the matter to railroad conductors. A dispatch from Gen. Bragg assures us that our cavalry are still capturing and destroying large amounts of Rosecrans's stores on the Cumberland River. Col. Wall has been elected Senator from New Jersey. They say he is still pale and ill from his imprisonment, for opinion sake. I hope he will speak as boldly in the Senate as o
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 2: Charleston Harbor. (search)
es. In our judgment the Republicans are resolute in the purpose to grant nothing that will or ought to satisfy the South. We are satisfied the honor, safety, and independence of the Southern people require the organization of a Southern confederacy--a result to be obtained only by separate State secession — that the primary object of each slaveholding State ought to be its speedy and absolute separation from a Union with hostile States. (Signed by: Representatives Pugh, Clopton, Moore, Curry, and Stallworth, of Alabama; Senator Iverson and Representatives Underwood, Gartrell, Jackson, Jones, and Crawford, of Georgia; Representative Hawkins of Florida; Represent- ative Hindman, of Arkansas; Senators Jefferson Davis and A. G. Brown, and Representatives Barksdale, Singleton, and Reuben Davis, of Mississippi; Representatives Craige and Ruffin, of North Carolina; Senators Slidell and Benjamin, and Representative Landrum, of Louisiana; Senators Wigfall and Hemphill, and Representative
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 32: Confederate Congress.—The President's Message.—Horace Greeley. (search)
y offence pronounced felonious by the laws of the Confederacy or any State, shall be delivered up for trial. Also, a bill to punish negroes in arms. (It provides that Federal armies incongruously composed of white and black shall not be held entitled to the privileges of war, or to be held entitled to be taken prisoners. Of such as may be captured, the negroes shall be returned to their masters or publicly sold, and their commanders to be hung or shot, as may be most convenient.) Mr. Curry reported that the committee, of which he was chairman, had waited on the President, who said that he would communicate a message to the House immediately. Mr. Foote, resuming, also offered a bill to retaliate for the seizing of citizens by the enemy. (It provides that of the prisoners held by us, a number equal to that of the citizens seized shall be held as hostages for their safety, and subjected to like treatment; any officers, civil or military, concerned in their seizure, shall b
one hundred pounder Parrott guns, also mounted on rafts. These guns having an extreme range of three and a half miles, were enabled to direct shells with tolerable accuracy to any building within sight. On the lower side of the peninsula, that is, immediately in front of the city, a battery was erected on the levee, consisting of one twenty-pounder, one ten-pounder Parrott, and one twelve-pounder brass rifled piece. This battery, manned by a portion of the Marine brigade under Lieutenant-Colonel Curry, was successful in harassing the rebel troops, and in destroying the foundry in which they were casting shot and shells. The number of mortar-shells thrown into the city from the front is enormous. Many of them never exploded, and in general they were comparatively harmless. If they burst in the air there was but little danger from them, and still less if they exploded when buried twenty feet in the soil. The particulars of the siege you already know up to within three days
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), The Montgomery Muddle — a specimen day. (search)
e construction of paper Constitutions, the begetting of bodies politic, the evocation of cash out of chaos, and the general transmogrification of a small slice of the late Union into a Confederacy. The millinery department of Mr. Jefferson Davis's new political concern seems, however, to make the weightiest drafts upon the Southern Congressional intellect. A nation without a flag is no nation at all — hat sublime truth, at least, has dawned upon the Southern Confederated mind. Confederate Curry, of Alabama, the other day brought a bushel of flags, of striped and of starry flags, of white, red and blue flags before the Congress, and exhibited them to the delegates just as that abhorred creature, a Yankee peddler, shows his rainbow merchandize to the old ladies. One he dwelt upon affectionately, as it was designed by a gentleman of rare intellectual endowments; and upon its ample and variegated folds the eagle was preserved in all his plumed and pugnacious perfection. The name of t
Samuel Bard, on special service; Lieutenant A. B. De Saulles, engineer; Lieutenant H. H. Price and Lieutenant H. C. Holt. Other officers on special service, amongst whom were Captain Augustus Scott, commanding squadron on temporary service; Captains Curry, Kinderson, and Behorn, as volunteer aids for the occasion, and Captain J. M. Taylor served with zeal and gallantry. The entire division entering the fight numbered about nineteen hundred and fifty, infantry and artillery, with a few irregulroughout the conflict. The following officers, attached to the general staff, also rendered gallant service: Captain Sam. Bard, on special service; Lieutenant A. B. DeSaulles; Engineers, Lieutenant H. H. Price and Lieutenant H. C. Holt. Other officers on special service, amongst whom were Captain Augustus Scott, commanding squadron on temporary service, Captains Curry, Henderson, and Lieutenant Behcum, as volunteer aids for the occasion, and Captain J. M. Taylor served with great gallantry.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 5.38 (search)
ooked upon Lincoln as a tyrant and inveterate enemy of the South, and could shed no tears for him, but deprecated the cruel manner of his taking off. While we were eagerly and excitedly discussing the startling news, the young galvanized renegade Curry came to my bunk and took down my card, saying, the doctor says you must go to the barracks. The order was given to no one else, and not having recovered sufficiently for the change, I replied that I would not go until ordered to do so by the surgeon in person. Curry left, and, in a few minutes, young Doctor Miller came in, and told me to get ready for the barracks. Protesting against the inhumanity of his order, I crawled on my hands, right foot and hips to the door of the ward, and near by, in a small ante-room, put on my old suit of clothes, laying aside my hospital garb. I was then directed to the door of the hospital, down a long, bleak, windy passage, near the gate to the officers' barracks. Here I waited for my crutches and
o admit me to the floor, and upon casting my eyes over the august assembly, I recognized a number of familiar faces. General Howell Cobb of Georgia was the President; Toombs, Crawford, and other distinguished men were there from the same State. Curry, McRae, Robert H. Smith and other able men were there from Alabama. In short the Congress was full of the best talent of the South. It was by far the best Congress that ever assembled under the new government. It was a convention as well as a who had occupied his exalted positions. On the next day, I attended the joint-session of the two committees above named. These committees were composed, as was to have been expected, of some of the best men of the Congress. Conrad, Crawford, Curry, and the brilliant young Bartow of Georgia were present, among others whose names I do not now recall. But few naval officers of any rank had as yet withdrawn from the old service; Rousseau, Tattnall, Ingraham, and Randolph were all the captains
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
iter; Cleveland, O. 14 Apl 63; 20 Augt. 65. $50. Cleveland, O. cook, William 22, mar; brickmaker; Huntingdon, Pa. 9 Apl 63; missing 21 Feb 64. Left sick at Barber's Fork, Fla. $50. Cooper, George 23, sin.; farmer; Windsor, Can. 9 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Cummings, Aaron. 22, mar.; farmer; York Co. Pa. 12 Apl. 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 20 Feb 64 Olustee, Fla. $50. Cunningham, William A. 20, sin.; boatman; Montgomery, N. Y. 9 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 20 Feb 64 Olustee, Fla. $50. Curry, Josephus 20, sin.; farmer; Washington, Pa. 12 May 63; killed 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Dandridge, James 26, sin.; waiter; Winchester, Va. 8 Jly 64.; 20 Aug 65.. David, Anthony 26, sin.; cook; Jackson, La. 14 Apl 63; died of wounds 25, Mch 64 Gen. Hos. Beaufort S. C. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft Wagner. $50. day, Solomon 26, sin.; cook; Washtenaw, Mich. 9 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Demus, Charles M. 18, sin.; laborer; Harrisburg, Pa. 16 Dec 63; 20 Aug 65.. $325. Duncan, Samuel 22, sin.;
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