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The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 4: The Cavalry (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 76 2 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 35 3 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 9 1 Browse Search
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz) 6 0 Browse Search
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert 4 0 Browse Search
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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 17: between Gettysburg and the Wilderness (search)
n a moment or so I had the men in the works, and returning, reached the General just as the old colonel got there and tendered his sword. General Ewell declined to receive the sword, ordered him back to his command, and turning to me said:-- Do you still insist, sir, that you don't know tactics enough to justify your being promoted? The other movement was what is generally known as the Dahlgren raid, which started in three co-operating cavalry columns, under Kilpatrick, Dahlgren and Custer, about the last of February, 1864, having Richmond for its objective, with the intention to sack and burn the city and kill the prominent Confederate officials. The history of the expedition is familiar. I did not come into personal contact with it in any way, and it cannot therefore be said to fall within the domain of reminiscence. If, however, the generally-accepted version of the famous Dahlgren orders be correct,--which would seem to be beyond question,--then it would be mild charact
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
Confederate enlisted men, tributes to, 19, 48-58, 358-68. Confederate Infantry: Naval Battalion, 329, 333 Confederate Museum, 357 Congressional Globe, 29 Conkling, Roscoe, 62 Connecticut Infantry; 27th Regiment, 174-75. Couch, Darius Nash, 165 Courts-martial, 351 Cowardice, 135, 274, 276-77. Crouch, Frederick William Nicholls, 49, 296 Crowninshield, Casper, 62 Culpeper Court House, Va., 73, 127, 192 Cumming, Alfred, 113 Currency, 63, 87-88. Custer, George Armstrong, 237 Dahlgren Raid, 236-37. Dame, William Meade, 240-44, 252- 53, 288-89. Daniel, John Warwick, 214 Davis, Henry Winter, 27 Davis, James Lucius, 82 Davis, Jefferson: and Lee, 17-18, 208, 312; mentioned, 26 Denman, Buck, 69-70, 130-31. Desertion, Confederate, 312-13, 323- 26, 349-51. Dixie, 202 Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 26 Drewry's Bluff, Va., 311, 322 Dunn House, Va., 310 Duty is the sublimest word ..., 361 Dwight, Theodore William, 33 Early, Jub
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), I. First months (search)
cle, while the guns were pelting those of the enemy with might and main. Suddenly we were aware of a railroad train slowly leaving the depot, and immediately several guns were turned on it; but it went off, despite the shells that burst over it. Then there suddenly appeared a body of our cavalry, quite on the left of the town, who made a rush, at full speed, on three cannon there stationed, and took the whole of them with their caissons. This was a really handsome charge and was led by General Custer, who had his horse shot under him. This officer is one of the funniest-looking beings you ever saw, and looks like a circus rider gone mad! He wears a huzzar jacket and tight trousers, of faded black velvet trimmed with tarnished gold lace. His head is decked with a little, gray felt hat; high boots and gilt spurs complete the costume, which is enhanced by the General's coiffure, consisting in short, dry, flaxen ringlets! His aspect, though highly amusing, is also pleasing, as he has
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), IV. Cold Harbor (search)
You hear people say: Oh, everyone is brave enough; it is the head that is needed. Doubtless the head is the first necessity, but I can tell you that there are not many officers who of their own choice and impulse will dash in on formidable positions. They will go anywhere they are ordered and anywhere they believe it is their duty to go; but fighting for fun is rare; and unless there is a little of this in a man's disposition he lacks an element. Such men as Sprigg Carroll, Hays (killed), Custer and some others, attacked wherever they got a chance, and of their own accord. Very few officers would hold back when they get an order; but the ordeal is so awful, that it requires a peculiar disposition to go in gaily, as old Kearny used to say. Last night the 2d Corps marched, to form on the left of the 6th at Cool Arbor; it was badly managed, or rather it was difficult to manage, like all those infernal night marches, and so part of the troops went fifteen miles instead of nine and t
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), Index (search)
s Ballou, 81, 126. Concord, Transcendentalists, 260. Conscription, Rebel, 132. Contrabands, 287. Cook, arrest of the, 88. Cortez, Jose, 23. Counselman, Jacob Henry, 18. Coxe, —, 74. Craig, John Neville, 244. Crawford, Samuel Wylie, 89, 169, 181, 234, 242, 253, 279, 299, 316, 331; portrait, 312. Crittenden, Thomas Leonidas, 116, 128. Crow, —, 172. Cullum, George Washington, 223. Culpeper, Va., cavalry raid, 16. Cummings house, 321. Curtis, Arthur Russell, 318. Custer, George Armstrong, 77, 189; described, 17. Dabney's Mill, 330, 333. Dahlgren, John Adolph, 290. Dalton, Edward Barry, 90, 184, 210, 216. Dana, Charles Anderson, want of tact, 126. Davies, Henry Eugene, Jr., 253, 347. Dead, care for the, 48. Deatonsville, fight at, 349, 351. Delafield, Richard, 290. De Ray, —, 205. Devereux, John H., 4. Dickinson, —, 13. Division, moving a, 184. Doyle, Sir, Charles Hastings, 244. Draft, quality of, 209. Draper, Simeon, 249. Dresser, Geor
rmy at Gettysburg owed much to the cavalry. As Gettysburg was the turning-point in the fortunes of the Union army, it also marked an epoch in the development of the cavalry, trained in methods which were evolved from no foreign text-books, but from stern experience on the battlefields of America. The Second Cavalry Division under Gregg patrolled the right flank of the Federal army, with occasional skirmishing, until Stuart's arrival July 3d with the Confederate horse. Gregg's division and Custer's brigade were then on the right of the line. The ensuing cavalry battle was one of the fiercest of the war. W. H. F. Lee's brigade made the first charge for Stuart, as did the First Michigan Cavalry for Gregg. Countercharge followed upon charge. In a dash for a Confederate battleflag, Captain Newhall was received by its bearer upon the point of the spear-head and hurled to the ground. Finally the Confederate brigades withdrew behind their artillery, and the danger that Stuart would stri
orable J. R. Poinsett, Secretary of War. These drill regulations were in the main a translation from the French, and although occasional attempts were made to improve them, they continued in use by the Eastern cavalry of the Union armies throughout the Well-groomed officers of the thirteenth New York cavalry Many of the Federal cavalry officers were extremely precise in the matter of dress, paying equal attention to their horses' equipment, in order to set a good example to their men. Custer was a notable example. This photograph shows full dress, fatigue dress, a properly equipped charger, an orderly, sentry, cavalry sabres and the short cavalry carbine. Except for the absence of revolvers, it is an epitome of the dress and equipment which the Federal Government supplied lavishly to its troopers during the latter half of the war. At the outset, the volunteer cavalrymen were required to supply their own horses, a proper allowance being made for food and maintenance. In 1861,
ade bore the brunt. It ran, and the race extended over five miles. Custer, however, saved his artillery and crossed Broad Run in safety. On the 28th of February following, Custer made a brilliant, and in the main successful, foray from Madison Court House into Charlottesville, wi. At this time General Fitzhugh Lee was at Louisa Court House, and Custer, with his characteristic boldness, took an unguarded road around Hat hand was Thompson's battery, wholly unmindful of danger, and this Custer essayed to take. But Colonel Chew, commander of the battalion of a to which this belonged, deployed a South Carolina regiment to hold Custer in check until he could get another battery into position. This heith regret for this knightly soldier and generous man. compelled Custer to relinquish his well-earned gains and betake himself to flight, while all his plunder fell into Rosser's hands. Custer, however, remained that night near Trevilian, from which Rosser strove to drive him,
he Union prisoners confined therein. General Meade assisted the raid by demonstrations against Lee's left and by sending Custer on a minor raid into Albemarle County. It was supposed, at the time, that Richmond was comparatively defenseless, and th's pickets, found the foe in force about three miles from Trevilian, posted behind heavy timber. At about the same time, Custer was sent by a wood road to destroy Trevilian Station, where he captured the Confederate wagons, caissons, and led horses. Assured of Custer's position, Sheridan dismounted Torbert's two remaining brigades, and aided by one of Gregg's, carried the Confederate works, driving Hampton's division back on Custer, and even through his lines. Gregg's other brigade had meanCuster, and even through his lines. Gregg's other brigade had meanwhile attacked Fitzhugh Lee, causing the entire opposing cavalry to retire on Gordonsville. Following this victory, Sheridan continued his raid and finally reached White House on the Pamunkey, on June 20th, where he found orders directing him to b
to McClellan's former starting-point, White House on the Pamunkey. The control of the waterways, combined with Sheridan's efficient use of the cavalry, made this an easy matter. Torbert's division encountered Gordon's brigade of Confederate cavalry at Hanovertown and drove it in the direction of Hanover Court House. Gregg's division moved up to this line; Russell's division of infantry encamped near the river-crossing in support, and behind the mask thus formed the Army of the Potomac crossed the Pamunkey on May 28th unimpeded. Gregg was then ordered to reconnoiter towards Mechanicsville, and after a severe fight at Hawes' shop he succeeded (with the assistance of Custer's brigade) in driving Hampton's and Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry divisions and Butler's brigade from the field. Although the battle took place immediately in front of the Federal infantry, General Meade declined to put the latter into action, and the battle was won by the cavalry alone. It was not to be the last time.